School Sick (Pathogen:SESTA)

Assalamualaikum and good day everyone!Lama dah tak update blog and tak sepatutnya jadi mcm tu sbb I am currently penganggur tahap dewa petala lapan ,muahahaha.Dahsyat kan?Its been somehow almost 3 months after I leave SESTA for good and home.At first memamng rasa heaven gila mcm haaaaaa..(angelic voice) because no more sirens,no more suare Aniq Ram hehe,no more this ,no more that, conclusively I felt like a dove flying out of a sacred cage waaah gitu perumpamaannya.

After living like a zombie at home and with the school session started earlier this months aku mula rasa something.Yes rasa incomplete sbb I've been in the routine of that particularly setiap awal tahun.Before depart to school mesti kena pack barang semua sampai peluh2 la but not anymore this year.Jdinye for this entry I would love to list all of the things that I am longing for and those mentioned can be only found in SESTA- my forever-beloved-blessed school.

New landmark funded a little bit by TBZ1014.Spectacular isn't it?

Ok first up perkara yg aku rindu dkt SESTA is the routine.Like walaupun aku rasa rimas dgn semua tu I kinda miss it.Roll call,pdp,RECESS!!,prep ptg,prep mlm and riadah (walaupun aku sgt jrg participate, though Manji dh ajak separuh nyawa ,Sorry Manji!!)

Manji yang with the black tie,my best friend and yg blakang tu Fifi the Boss BADAR aku LOL (bekas)
Manji ae blog click the picture kalau nk visit.

Ok aku akan barely mention yg trlintas je ye.First skali subuh ye aku suke jugak la sbb penuh surau weh!! Gempak x pengetua Tn. Hj Sulaiman,alhamdulillah.Utk rollcall aku rindu CR,p.d.p aku rindu semua kelas tpi paling rindu kelas Chemist x thu kenapa tpi aku suka gila Chemist dgn Miss Faz yg super amazing and fun+gila2 mcm kami juga sbb range umur x jauh pun hehe

Miss Fazreena tpi kiteorg panggil Miss Faz je sgt gmpak UK graduates,alhamdulillah dpt merasa cikgu yg highly qualified.. 

Then recess rindu ROTI GULUNG ya Allah!!!Pastu menu wajib aku time recess nasi lemak/goreng+telur+ayam (nmpk x betapa lahap nya aku haha).Lps tu waku malam laaa D.M!. Then, setelah berhempas pulas sepanjang hari study (acaca je)dpt landing ats katil punya la sodap ,nikmat dia tuhan je thu =D.Pastu rindu bunyi sirens SAHAJA,suare aniq ram no no ahaha.
Siren yg berjasa kalau x mmg x bangun la aku.

Lps tu kelas BM,Cg Ridzuan dgn lawak kering die ,the best part is semua org akan gelak kecuali dia sendiri pelik kn?Tpi sumpah die cool gila.Rindu ramai cikgu lagi antaranya GC Murniza,Bonda Azfa,Cg. Aziz,Ustaz Hamdi,MAMA Hanu,Ustaz Rusdi haa pasal Ustaz Rusdi ni die mmg tbh dan penyabar walaupun aku selalu tidur dlm kelas die especially masa bab kahwin dgn cerai sorry Ustaz!.Haaa lupa lagi satu Tajul Sensei.Semua budak jepun mesti kenal perangai dia,time dkt luar he seems to be quiet.Tpi dalam kelas die bash+brainwash kami kau2 punya sampai tersandar la dkt kerusi dlm bilik nihon go tu ahaha.Tpi x pe sbb brainwash die klakar and masuk akal, aku suke!!Kadg2 tu die lecture smpai setengah jam gila lama kan?!Hmm lps tu, haa Cg Azfa n Cg. Murniza kalau jumpa cg2 yg disebutkan tadi aku mesti tersengih sbb kami suke membahan (mengusik la bahasa manisnye) ahaha rindu nye nk usik cg.

Bonda Azfa yg best!

Cikgu BM paling best!
GC tau Cikgu Murniza ni jgn main2.
Ini lah dia Cg Ridzuan yg bnyk ajr aku skill menulis dan sgt lawak kering thumbs up!

Lps tu mama Hanu. Aku paling rindu suara dia yang super duper paduuuuu!!!!Boleh jdi resonance kot!.Kalau dia jerit satu sekolah boleh dengar.And aku suke session run while spelling dkt Dataran Ilmu sumpah best! Next is Ustaz Hamdi. Aku suke usrah die and keterbukaan fikiran die, walau apa pun org ckp psl Ustaz aku ttp syg ustaz, sbb maybe itu kesilapan die yelah Ustaz pun manusia ape, so of course he would commit mistakes.

Again my inspiring Ustaz Hamdi,best outfit title holder untk dinner batch kiteorg =D

Ok kalau tempat pulak first skali Kelas 5 Bougainvillea la.Kelas yang bnyk kisah suka duka,gelak tawa and stuff.Lps tu Kantin,Koop yg dh cantik,library and DM!!!Makanan DM boleh la kalau nk ckp sedap cume I really hate bila datang hari yg dia hidang ikan utk lunch dgn dinner.Aku panggil hari tu sebagai 'Double Fish Day'.Menu sarapan kegemaran nasi impit+rendang+kuah kacang,daging black pepper,ayamkurma+papedom,kuey teow dan banyak lagi!!!Ha lagi satu walaupun aku ni bukan kaki riadah tpi masa aku rajin dulu2 aku suke jalan and jogging dkt roundabout sekolah.Sgt best sbb die bulat so best la dgn view estet kelapa sait nya agk best jgak laa.Bila petg lgi siket mcm sunset tu the scenery is really picturesque

Few Brothers of my class best glad to be one of their classmates.

Kiteorg panggil die Abg HOT SESTA tpi die x lah hot sgt pun haha he just joined the blogging world this last month and siape yg nk visit blog die just click on in face i mean picture.

My best-est friend Ado,thanks for being my youja chingu!

And not to forget bathroom.Alhamdulillah la bilik air rumah Cresendo x pernah x de air jrng laa.Shower tap mmg the boom wei air kuat gile.Pastu aku paling suke echo dlm bathroom.Aku pun ape lagi buat konsert amal laaa bak kata Shameer.LOL.Last but not least bilik prep.Kat sinila aku dn rakan2 sebatch aku menelaah di malam hari kononnya.

This is our prep room somewhat?Mmg sunyi sbb mostly suke study dkt dorm.Aku mmg x boleh study dkt dorm sbb nnti tidor

This is my late-night study pals, Ilyasa,Muja and Avalo(Alif Zharfan) and many more actually off the frame.

Meet my Add Maths guru,Nyu2 the turtle ahaha aku suke panggil die mcm tu.Die mmg best although pndai Add Maths he's really down to Earth.

Haaa! Ni notes yg ditulis oleh junior kiteorng dipercayai oleh batch Xtrovia.

And this checklist was written by yours truly ahaha.Tngok tulisan pun dh thu bak kata Cg. Azfa tulisan ombak tsunami bergulung-gulung

Ha lagi satu ade la some of us yg buat revolusi bangun awal gile mcm 3 a.m. mcm tu utk study.Aku try skali je lps tu cannot go weii sbb aku x boleh study awal sgt.My brain is ready to absorb info masa pagi and prep malam.Antara org kuat study awl ni Aqil,Ariessa,Penyu dan few more fellows yg aku x igt but for sure ramai gila.

Nak tmbh lagi juniors laaa mcm Faize,Aniq Aqil,Mior dan rmai lgi but mostly form 4 baru laa sbb dorng best!!Lps tu fascility mcm washing machine.And few more celebration dkt SESTA.
Best kawan dgn diorang sgt best yg comel tu Faize nama die walaupun mulut agak puaka tpi hati die baik.
This is my very own personal+private space and I love it so bad!

Sedikit nostalgia gmbr2 asrama yg tercinta(=

Since aku pun dh tulis pnjng berjela ni I think it is time for me to wrap this entry up.Till the next time!!!

I hereby wrap up this entry

-Yours truly-


Unknown said...

and yet u didnt change my pic :(

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