"I'm Sorry"

Salam, actually dh lme da prm post title ni sbb nya kt skolh kami x dak internet yg snng utk diakses, tidak mengapa. So as for today the title above may describes every single things yg aku nk express kn kli ni.Ok this somewhat phrase came out because there's an incident happened , mnimpa , menghempap atau sbgainya kpd aku yg fragile ni (ototo) hehe.

One day it was such a gloomy morning, my teacher was about to begin his class. Yet he start to utter few sentences and sadly the sentences stimulates or triggered my 'friends' $%^#$%@#%@#$% mind to somehow making another stupid jokes that only makes one felt terrible or in another word HUMILIATED! Amende they think i was damn funny but as for my during that very moment I don't know where should I put my face, my dignity to. Of course they would never care pon. Aslkn lwk dorng tu brjye buat the whole class to laugh out loud. Hereby i would like to wish congratulation.

And remember the sweet talker I'd mentioned before. He is the one whom mind was triggered to make that jokes. He done that while looking at my face. Huuu time tu rse mcm nk tikam dgn pisau daging eh x pisau siang ikan x trgmbr I was so embarrassed. Yet during recess he's simply come near me and say ' im sorry jgn trase' lbih kurng mcm tu lah.
In my mind what was he thinking after he humiliated me in front o f a teacher. Senang- senang ja nk mintk maaf like "aku gurau je tdi ihik ihik". Wujud jugak org mcm ini rupanya.  
Geram kn , if you are in my shoes how would you react? Aduu aku mmg laa time die ckp tu x bgi muke langsung. Because he had done the same thing in the past few times, so kalau you in my place right now nk maafkn mcm tu je ke? For sure he'll repeat the same silly mistakes again n again . dan asking for apology again n again.

From that I started to think is that how he values apology? I'm wondering, mybe sbb die igt semue org suke die kot so he got the liberty to do whatever he likes including humiliates others dgn mlampau so that it;ll be a grade A+ jokes. May be aku dh over judged him but itu yg aku fikir. That's why I called him the sweet talker.

So the solution yg aku nk ambik, sbb before balikm he did asked for an apology again , and I said lps cuti.Jdi ini yg akn kau buat kot laa, maafkn je tpi die mcm prng dingin siket lyn mcm x lyn je dn hati aku mmg x prnh redha maybe.

Let the time tells that. Mungkin jugak ni blsn Allah kpd aku sbb aku suke mnyakaorng and maybe jgak humiliated them at the same time. And maybe this is one of the way yg Allah nk ajr aku , ade bnyk jenis manusia kt dunia ni, jdi don't be so naive. That's all fuh lega dh lps kn segala bnde yg dh trjeruk di hati hehe.


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