Arfah.عرفة. アルファ.아루바- Tribute Seorang Rakan

Assalam and a very good day everyone.Jdi pd post kali ini actually its a appreciation post bace title pon dh thu kn.So let me get all the mess in your head to be cleared up ok?First up who is this (bloody) girl? ahaha.Her full name a.k.a birth name is Arfah Juneena binti Ahmad.(fullstop)that' it.She is never less or more than my friend and classmates for over 4 years (kmi due2 trpkse mnghdp muka masing2 yg busuk muahaha).The reason why I wrote this entry was because I promised her back on like 5 months ago?Aa lebih kurang la.Jdi bak kata pribahasa lembu berpegang pada tali manusia berpegang kepada janji.Jdi inilah die appreciation post for this particular girl.
Ok her full name dh mention so people call her with all sorts of name:che pah,juneen ahmad,pelat(i personally like this one),and lots more paling rmai pnggil die Arfah la.She's kinda tall but of course shorter than me(yesss!!).She's a type of girl that have the looks(a.k.a beautiful@pretty@huduh)LOL.But among all of her traits I somehow admire this very one pricels traits of her.She is indeed a very high-dignity type of girl  meaning that she put limits in communicating or socializing with people yg counter gender and she is even a shy girl(tpi kdg2 pemalu mlmpau mnymph la pulak).And she even would hates the particular guy yg suke die well i don't why its kinda weird but well its none of my bussiness i bet yours neither.
Academically she's in the bright girls group in my batch.Particularly she's good in maths subjects which includes Add Maths yg Im not a big fan of.Haa!! Another traits of her yg paling menyerlah ialah: dia pelat!! ahaha.Bukan pelat secara total she cant pronounce the letter 'r' as it should sounds like.Die jadi 'rghh'  and because of that org suke bahan dia dgn kepelatannya itu.Tpi dia ok je dan masih tersengih though kene bahan.
Well, I think that's it lah kot, but before I wrap up this entry if pelat tu bace entry ni I hereby nk ckp thanks alot for being my classmates for a splendid 4 years (naseb tak 5).I plead for your apology kalau my jokes hurts you before ok.
Lastly, (sbb aku dh geli dh tulis bende ni),continue the way you are pelat because its fantastic except for your shyness you have to fix it when you are in front of the crowd speak up your mind so that people would trust you more(utk intervierw scholarship and lots more in your life ok!!)
That's all Thank You.Terima Kasih,ありがとう ございます、شكرن,고마워요!


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