The Last Teachers' Day Part II

Salam back again! Haha aca2 epic je title kt ats. So moving on, so basically as what I mentioned in previous entry my batch TBZ are the one who was assigned to handle this such big event. So mostly those burdening task dihempapkan (jht gile bunyi) kpd  BAKTI Pengawas. Bkn mereka je yg diberikn tugs mereka hnye mengetuai AJK dn dibwhnye kami ni la lol. Ade few bnde dlm hri guuru yg mcm daebak gile dn ade yg embeeh =P haha x pe la adat la mcm tu , we plan , Allah plans as well but His plan would forever far better than ours get it?

So antara prkara yg mnarik prhatian aku utk di-tributekn haha ialah hiasan dewan. Superb gile thun ni compared to thun2 sblum ni credit to Hazman. Cantik gile la starts from the entrance of the hall interior decoration and etc everything was "wallah!"SO here are the few pictures that will forever engraved in the heart of SESTArian amin. 
Look at those ballons sorry it's not that clear.

We need the whole batch's energy to finish this stuff the idea was form Shahlan thumbs up!

Can you spot the floating ballons up at the ceiling haha brilliant kn credit to Hazman

Besides of the decoration the gimmick was also exceed my expectation, the entrance are far different from we ever had before, credit to Silat Gayung Assoc. SESTA they made the audience mesmerized and laughter spread to every corner of the hall lol. Cool eventhough its silat which almost forgotten by its own race we la Malay.

Acaca kn ! lol tpi style la

Let's go back into the stage, the performances haha to be fair and square we allow each form starting from form 3 to Form 5 to deliver a meaningful performance to the teachers so the Xtrovians (F3) did a choral speaking which i'd say its good but x cukup umph I guve 3 la upon 5 hmm next year I bet team dorng yg akn represent skolh so girls all the best . The emcees pon gmpak jgak even ade sikit troll ye la this event was held rushing gile and everyone was working under pressure mcm pressure cooker main je. And my friend or fellow Luqman Khiarudin @ Manji was assigned to recite the dua

Luqman and Mun daebak mereka!

Single and eligible haha one of my best friend I'd say.

Mr ...... but the name after the address was somewhat catchy and i is forgotten. 

Form 4 did somewhat like a drama or sketsa kot which ade dselitkn martial arts like silat and taekwando and it was superb, Bravo! My dormate did participated in that performance. Satu yg mcm bole di-highlight-kn (prosk bhasa sunggoh hmm) ialah narrator dorng sbb he was so like hti kering and he made the whole crowd to laugh like so loud.

Go Sayuti! haha (the boy with black belt)

Simply LOL! Hati kering die ni

Form 5 , i don't know dh mcm tradition dh F5 msti buat sketsa but this year we got Ustaz Hamdi help and guide as he said doing and acting performance is not that easy as we might touched any teachers heart. With Allah's will we managed to deliver the true massage to the audience I guess? Hrp la so these are some of the pictures with Ustaz Hamdi pic as well , thanks alot Ustaz!

Che Bakaq no 
The Wannababes smua cast die Bakti Pengawas style kn!
Che Nab yg x thu mmbezakn I phone 5 dan walkie talkie can't help haha lol

Well to summarize it all I could say its such a significant event handled by our batch as from this event I could say we had work so hard TOGETHER to achieve the goals. Tipula kalau ckp tak sedih sbb ye la kn this is the last teachers day and the last year we TBZ will be together under the same roof . The memories and experience we shared and treasured together would never be forgotten. Hopefully this year's TCD would forever remembered by all of The SESTArian. If a building managed to stand with pride and wowed the world thanks an architect, but if a nation succeeded to produce the citizen with high moral values and world class mind thank a teacher the nation' architect. Salam


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