Langit Tak Selalunya Cerah dan Awan Pasti Berlalu [PART 1]

Lots of things happened to me lately ever since the last entry.Some of it taught me something that I'd merely learnt in the classroom and some of it well I would say give me a little bit of the bitter taste of life.Well tajuk entry aku selalunya in English but this time nk tukaq sikit la noh sbb I think it will be way more suitable utk entry kali ini.

Lama x menulis makanya bnykla bnde nk cerita and let me sorts this first ye.Nak tulis yg sedeh dulu ke yg happy thp kedebabom dulu?Ok start dgn yg sedeh dulu lah ye.I love my school like so much.School have been parts of me like almost 11 years.Yeah maybe some would say I am weird and yadayadayda but I love to study in schools,teases my dear teachers and do strange stuff ahaha.But something had crashed it all.Not my love to school of course,but my ecstatic memory during my high school years.Pretty pathetic I'd say but aku yakin ini semua balasan Allah and for sure ada hikmahnya.Ringkasnya mcm ni,our batch 'The Glory'-Trailblazers are the pioneer of my school,first batch.Somehow we became the stars and got all the limelight from our teachers and became the batch of examples.Semua cikgu suka compare batch kami dgn batch lain and jdikn kami benchmark.Tipulah x suka,batch sendiri jdi contoh and dipandang tinggi siapa x suka.It is fitrah manusia suka dipandang tinggi.Akhrinya keluar skolah.Yeayy!!!It ends beautifully.

Little did I know ade some of my batchmates mmm maybe I can say they channeled their concerned via the wrong and silly path? Yes,diorang tweet psl my school,administration,PK HEM la to be exact.Condemn lah mcm2 psl rules ni useless la kejam lah and stuff.Naseb badan cikgu tahu psl tweet tu.And what are the consequences?Not much we got bashed,labelled and some more they would hardly accept us back again.Aku faham semua cg kecewa dgn apa yg dh jadi and mmg salah kami semua sbb x fikir pnjng.But it needs three to tango right?So aku pun terfikir mungkin inilah balasan yg Allah nk beri kpd batch kami.Kerana?

-Terlalau bangga dgn nama batch,maybe anggap thp superior dh.
-Suka kutuk batch lain,aca2 batch sendiri flawless pdhlnya jenuh tampung kelemahan sana-sini
-Ade certain culprit, yes culprit yg buat salah and yg lain buat don't know je aca2 nk jga kawan and those yg report dipulaukan mcm buat dosa yg besar.

Cukup lah kot itu pun yg aku tahu je al maklumlah everything yg psl batch not everyone knows about it equally. Mmg ade double standards dlm batch ni, hanya yg dianggap penting je boleh tahu yg lain tu kire isi quota je.And they acclaimed that our batch is united.RUBBISH!Aku geram sgt dh ni.I love this batch like so much and schools as well.But when people buat taik mcm ni jdi umpama kaca terhempas ke batu,tahu?So thanks to them every time aku terigt psl high school aku trfikir yg buruk je.Yes maybe some of you would say yg aku ni berlebih and x tahu cerita but yes back again I wasn't get informed yada yada yada.

Aku langsung x salahkan yg buat salah tu.Because they are human being.Fitrah utk melakukan kesilapan itu mmg x dpt dinafikan.Maybe hari ini hari mereka siapa tahu esok hari aku pula.So I don't hate them but I hate the flaws that they'd committed. That's it.Now almost every teachers hate our flaws.*Hrpla.Aku risau je masa ambil result nnti takut cg layan x layan je.Ye lah of course they felt like disgraced and betrayed by us.

Tpi it's really not good kn utk pray for something yg nasty and bad right?So I really hope that Allah would ease our journey,lembutkan hati cg utk memaafkan batch kami adn trima kami semula seadanya.We are not perfect of course but at least I hope in their eyes we're limited edition.

Haaah lega, aku penat fikir psl bnde ni and honestly lepas ni aku takkan ambil kisah dh pasl skolah mcm yg certain cg hprkn.Nnti ade duit aku bru la boleh nk sumbang ke apa ke ye.Ahaha this such thing had taught me a lot,and I believe ini baru sikit je dri kepahitan  reality dunia di luar sana yg sgt unpredictable isn't it?

That's it lah kot and as I am writing right now its more less 15 days to go utk dptkn result SPM.Aku doakan yg terbaik utk semua TBZ yg tercinta.Moga perkara ini mengajarkan aku dan mereka supaya dalam hidup ini usah terbang terlalu tinggi kerana apabila jatuh sakitnya tak terperi.
And aku tertarik dgn satu quote ni,I've modified this quote to suits me ehehe.

"Memang bagus utk tidak lupa daratan namun alangkah lebih baik jikalau kita pndai berenang"

Satu renungan utk diri pada masa hadapan.That's all, for the happy kedebabom story, see ya in the next part!

Blessings Matters,


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