
Salam well for this posts its somehow like the feedback for the older post. Haha segala usaha yg diukir di kertas maya (*pon bole) hnyalah khayalan. but not all of it remains as fantasy, Pendek kata I can accept the results of mine as its the best for me. Of course because Allah is the one who gave that, he knows me better than anyone else, after my mom. Back to result, I’ve got 2 a+ chewah, 1a,2a-,3b+ and  the worst is coming 1G which is add maths.Hmm add math ..never mind! this is not the end as i’ll strive till I’ll able to ‘conquer’ you Add Math hahaha.
As for that results I am placed in the second class 5Bougainvillea. actually i want the third class which is 5Cassia but Allah knows the best for me jdi aq trimanya dgn hti yg terbuka(HAAAA!) (angelic voice) hehehe. For the last words I gave you the best words from the best person okay! =D

Rasul Allah (sal Allahu alaihi wasallam) said: “He is successful who has accepted Islam, who has been provided with sufficient for his wants and been made contented by Allah with what He has given him.” [Muslim]
Nowadays when people say, ‘So and so is very successful’ what they mean is, ‘He/she is making a lot of money.’ In the above mentioned hadith Allah (subhana wa ta’ala) explains who qualifies to be called successful. It’s not having Car X, House in W and Job Z but:

1. Islam.
2. Needs fulfilled.
3. Possession of a thankful heart.


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