Kebangkitan Membara ngeh hehe

Salam last examination I got a quite bad results so to prevent this kinda results drpd muncul lagi langkah2 berikut akn diambil >.< :- 


 This is my favourite subject after Chemistry, so the action that i’ll do to overcome the c and is (recite any facts that I am studying),(Understand and hafal semua dlm otaK)-whuch i somehow have gulps to do this nge hehe. 


 Buat latihan and submit it to my respected ever Mr Mior , the coolest chemistry teacher or master theat I’ve ever met (thumbs up)!. List down semua chemical equation yg pnting on apiece of paper and I’ll name it as kertas keramat might be? haha. 


 Do tonnes of excercise and of course I’ll bring the understanding of its concept along. Meet my teacher Rohani to ask anything that I don’t get in Physics. 

Add Math

 My favorite subject to be. You should be grateful addmath because I’ve (dedicated an hour everyday) for you and your twin ngehehe. Tnye yg master dlm add math. Buat lots of drill and exercise 

 Math mod

 Sme mcm add math sbb dorng kmbr. Tnye yg pro .

Satu lagi teknik yg baru aq blaja iaitu TIME BLOCKING thanks to one chinese teacher or lecturer., see who says chinese is useles as a whole?! Di mana aq akn set time blaja conth dua jam and then study dgn full heartedly (english says) haha) then rest then sambung balik! 

 LAst but not least jge hubungan dgn Allah S.W.T, dgn my beloved ayah & ibu ,siblings, family, teachers, friends and mak cik dm, kantin, cleaner dan lain lain yg brgelar manusia, haha. Hopefully those step will help me to achieve 9A+ in SPM and become a Dentist (successful one) . Bia la x dpt kls first pon jnji fokus tros utk SPM yeah!!! ya Allah kau bantu la hambamu yg kerdil dan hina ini dlm meniti kehidupan seharian ku dalam melaksanakan rancangan utk mncapai cita-citaku ya Allah. Amin ya rabbal alamin Ou before i leave i would like to wish Partisans 1213 a all the best for your Trials insyaallah you can do it!


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