Interview YPM

Assalam and a very good day everyone.At last,dapat jugak tulis entry yg mcm ni.If dulu hanya mampu baca blog org lain,this time I am the one who'd share my very own personal experience with my blog wah heaven nya!!

Feeling awesome kjp ahaaha!

Jadi,nak dijadikn cerita on a very blissful morning my teacher Mdm Huda sent me an advertisement about a scholarship YPM lah of course.Aku pun excited and saje je apply sbb nk test power results trial and koku.Few weeks after that my mom told me that I was chosen to attend an interview for that scholarship.At first I was like what??! Sbb main2 je apply.Besides the field of discipline offered are non of my desires.

So for your information la.YPM is an acronym that stands for Yayasan Pelajaran MARA.It is like a sub units of MARA.It offers scholarship only for Bumiputra yang excellent.They offer full scholarship for Electrical and Electronic Engineering and Mechanical Engineering (due2 aku x minat =,=')The good news is that they will sponsor their scholar untill PhD level.And there will be no bonding upon graduation.Meaning that kite tak perlu utk berkhidmat dgn YPM or mne2 pihak lps hbis bljr.So dikhabarkan ade yg lps grad kerje dgn SAMSUNG and many more Japanese punye company.

So back to the interview.Few days before the interview I've made some researches sbb aku kn x minat pun field ni so mmg zero lah knowledge psl career engineering ni.Aku bace psl career paths,university yg aku pilih,psl YPM jgak ,why Japan is my choice (katenye) and some current issue mcm GST and flash flood.

These three are the universities yg aku sbnrnye randomly pick ahaha.
From the left: Saitama University,Tokyo University of Science and Meiji University

Gladly bukn aku sorang je yg dpt offer YPM ni. Kalau sekolah aku Hazman,Pak Ros, Loloq dgn Kino pun dpt jgak.Interview ni ade due session pgi and ptg aku dgn man,loloq n pak ros dpt pgi and kino stranded alone waktu ptg hehe.

28th of December 2014 the date of the interview.Although aku x mengharap pun scholarship ni of aku tetap rasa nervous and anxious.Because dri ape yg aku bace dkt blog last years punyer candidates the interview was damn+hell+nastily+bloody hard.According to them la ade mcm written tests (Chemist,Physics and Add Maths yg x boleh guna calculator gile ke ape!)Then ade la mcm kene jwb soalan add maths inpromptly on the whiteboard.Haa seram kn dh la Add Maths. only Allah knows how did I struggled with Add Maths for almost two years ya Allah!!

Ok sambung.So tempat interview tu ialah Kinta Riverfront Hotel(grand nye tmpt interview aku kui kui)So sampai naik la tingkat enam where the function hall is located.Masuk2 budak SESTA takde lgi but few candidates ade yg dh sampai.Few minutes later aku nmpk loloq and seterusnye Pak Ros last bru Hazman.Then akak urusetia tu suruh daftar. Surprisingly dorang bagi borang and stuff yg disuruh print dkt website hritu annoying gila.

The sacred venue LOL!

K lps tu die suruh semue candidates masuk function hall utk briefing.Well time tu die tnye la skolh mne and stuff.Mcm biase SBP and MRSM students were the majority among the candidates.Tpi still SBP lgi ramai, YESS!!.Dlm briefing tu ade few maklumat yg penting.

  • 1.Around 3000 students applied for the scholarship
  • 2.From that huge number only 900 candidates are called for an interview
  • 3.300 students would be selected from the interview for a 6 weeks program.
  • 4.And lastly only 150 students would be chosen as their scholar.
  • 5.Siape yg join 6 weeks program tu and then tetibe dpt offer MARA ke JPA and you insisted to leave you have to pay back RM10k to YPM.
  • 6.Program ni ialah twinning prgram di mana 3 tahun belajar di Malaysia dua tahun belajar dkt Jepun.
  • 7.Student akan diajar dan belajar Bahasa Jepun jgak nnti so no worries.
  • 8.You don't need to pay back the scholarship dh name pon scholarship =,='!

Modus operandi interview die mcm ni 3 calon akn dipanggil serentak utk masuk dalam satu bilik.Time tu ade 2 bilik meaning that skali session 6 calon akn ditemuduga.Loloq was called first with the other two calon.Then kejap gile lps tu die kluar.Aku dgn man pon tnye la die mcm mne interview.Then die ckp biase2 je tnye soaln basic and stuff.Aku pun heavenlah!!!Sbb x de Add Maths and test tu, dh la ku dh hmpir lupa semue bende yg dh belajar ye lah sbb dh muntah waktu SPM(ish2 truk betul).

After a couple of minutes waiting akhirnye nme aku dipanggil.Time aku tu ade 2 orng lgi student seorang budak SBP jgak, perempuan, SEMESTI tak silap.And seorang lagi budak lelaki daily school rasenye.Ha lupa nak ckp the interview is in English language ok so aku pun kena lah berghabuk speaking London time tu.The interviewer is the one yg bagi briefing.He starts with the girl and then me.Actually the interview session ni mcm ala-ala talkshow borak-borak but in English.At first pegawai tu tnye soalan dkt aku in Malay lps aku pun jwb la Malay pastu die interupt and suruh ckp English.Aku pun bagi kau2 la idea yg aku dh goreng dri rumh ,goreng smpai garing la citenye.Tapi aku kesian dkt the other two candidates, dorng mcm susah nk express their ideas and response in English and kdg2 words yg dorng gune tu agk klakar la jugak and quite x sesuai LOL tpi at the same time kesian.Smpai aku rse nk interupt utk btulkn pun ade tpi thn je la nnti nmpk over la plak.K among the question yg interviewer tu tnye:

  • 1.Why do you want to study in Japan?
  • 2.What do you see in yourself as a person?
  • 3.What would you be in another 10 years?
  • 4.What sport did you involved in school? (Jwpn aku archery naseb prnh join kjp fiuh!)
  • 5.If there in another offer for you to persue your studies in the U.S would you still choose us?
  • 6.Betul ke nk join engineering ni? There is no turning back tau.
Gmbr hnye skdr hiasan shj naa!

Then nnti jgn lupa nk photostate or bring copied certificate.Note that, x pyh la nk bwk sijil2 skolah rendah,form 2,ujian PAFA la ape lah.Just bring the most notable and highest level of your involvement in co-curricular activities.And arrange them descendingly.Meaning that susun drpd antarabangsa,kebangsaan,negeri.....smpai skolah ok.Don't slouch mse duduk and smile.Masuk bilik interview tu bagi salam.

K lps habis die tnye kami bertiga he opens a session for questionnaire . Aku pun tnye je la ape2 yg trlintas dlm kepala aku ni.Sbb katanye akalu tnye soalan dpt mrkh lebih since it shows our minat utk scholarship ni.Aku all out sbb aku nk test market if dpt kem 6 minggu tu definitely aku akn reject (bunyinye mcm jht kn aku ni ahaha)  

Tu je lah kot harap membantulah siapa2 yg nk ambil interview utk this year and utk adik2 yg thun dpn.Kalau tersalah kata dan maklumat harap maaf because I'm not a computer cap Apple Inc.K bye!

I hereby wrap up my entry


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