Thanks Cartoons!

Assalam and another good day everyone,thanks Allah!As Manji and Arfah had pleaded me like so bad(kahkah hiperbola di situ) to update my blog ini lah entry nye.At first when they asked me to do so the rough topics that was lingering in my mind is about tv.But naa! Later, I had the thought of writing about something special that underlies beneath the childhood world which is cartoon=animated films=anime=(dn lain2 dlm seribu satu bahasa kah kah)

Hambar sebentar LOL!

So i'll start up right away,honestly cartoons had somewhat shaped and coloured my childhood really well.No. Spectacularly.They made me become what I am now mostly I'd say.Why do i said so?Sbb for me la cartoons have benefits me in countless sorts of aspects.
Ok coming up to the first good thing about cartoon.

#1:They taught me English

Well aku rse yg this is the biggest of contribution that cartoons had done throughout my childhood.Because f.y.i my family is purely Malay and we do not speak English at home,no no.So it's kind of difficult for us, i mean the children to master the language as a spoken language not merely as a subjects.So thanks Allah in 2005 - a decade ago my parents subscribed Astro.And through Astro i have the reach to English as a spoken language not only written any longer.

Plus at that time there are no Malay dubbed mcm skrg ni which somehow sucks la jgak.During my time I love to watch Courage the Cowardly Dog and many Disney's Cartoon mmg best and they were all in english.So tv and kids kn mcm super melekat so did I and that's how was I indulging myself into english language.Through watching cartoon I get my grammar,sentence structures and even vocabulary up to the next level.And not even that I did also developed my spoken English and I am really grateful that I did watch english cartoon though they use American english(apa kena mengena?).Because it allows me to explore more and have more possibilities and chances.

Suprisingly Malaysian famous vloggers who speaks english in delivering their messeges via english did the same way in developing their english as well,so im not alone ahaha.I'll name them first up is Anwar Hadi im sure yg kaki youtube would know this name.Secondly is Aiman Azlan.He is so cool i even had the though of nk die jdi my brother-in-law but tibe2 trnmpk video die dh kawin alooo melepas nk dpt abg ipar yg cool and verses english really well.Both of them are the graduated from Australia and Canada respectively.
I really look up to these two.They are such a brilliant example for nowadays youths.

#2:Secondly cartoon had though me the genuine value of life.

I think Disney's an Pixar's movies banyak portrays value mcm ni.Bukan nk compare dgn local punye cartoons but their cartoons sgt ade mesej yg berguna utk kanak2 contoh Toy Story1,2,3 taught me to accept changes in life and the priceless bond of friendship.Bnyk la value yg dorng terapkn mmg berjela la kalau nk list.Byk animated movie yg aku suke antaranya yg kt bwh ni.

Ada banyak lagi but yg ni yg top charted laa heehee

#3They gave me the liberty to explore my imagination beyond limits =D

All the plots colours drawing,patters,architectures had inspire me to be more imaginative and not be soooo nerdy+geek+noob.Haha this is where my creativity gets built up somehow?Ahaha.And those creativity had helps me to become more resourceful and useful in giving up ideas.

Yaa I think aku dh merepek panjang and x nk jadi lebih meleret so that's it to be really honest until now aku suke tngok animated films and cartoons and stuff smpai parents aku pun pelik and questions my maturiy(serious je bunyinye ahaha).But aku still tngok jgak sbb aku rse cartoon ni ade something yg 'magic'(over nya).Tpi aku x lah tngok cartoon je I do watch news,reality programs and oo i love to watch shows yg mcm renovate rumah,hias rumah and stuff and also tv show yg melibatkan transformation of a person,restaurant and stuff.Not because the drama itself tpi sbb ade value yg boleh aku ambil.Bwh ni program yg aku suke tngok =D

And again ade bnyk lgi tpi takkan nk list semua kn.

Whatever it is itu opinion aku about cartoon maybe some of you would say 'ee x matang nye die ni' but again at least I do no harm and overpass the syariah law either.And the most crucial fact is at least I am happy.Alhamdulillah.Tu je lah bye!

I hereby wrap up my entry


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