Alhamdulillah!Allah,ども ありがとうございます!

Assalam and hi everyone!!!!Today I am so happy smpai thp euphoria dh ahaha.Sbb ape aku happy?Mcm gini ceritanya.Two days ago I did noticed that there was a picture showing  results of a Japanese exam from JENAN.But I do have doubts whether that is the exact same exam yg aku ambil or vice versa.So aku pun merajinkan lah diri utk bertanya kepada sensei aku yg tercinta Tajul sensei =D

*Berikut ialah perbualan antara aku dn Tajul sensei yg disayangi:

Excited betul nk tahu result mase ni.

Esok harinya...sensei hantar aku gambar ni!

Walaupun hanya mampu dapat B tpi aku bersyukur!!Alhamdulillah =D

Ok overallnye sekolah aku tak la flying colours sgt resultnye.Secara keseluruhan:

A - 0 (Harapan je la)
B - 6 (I am one of them yeay!!)
C - 9
D - 45
E - 17

(E tu dh kire gagal dh bkn mcm Add Maths ye)

So tu jela kot rasenye utk entry kali ni mmg aku tulis entry ni pun sbb nk ckp psl resutl je pun.Sbnrnye I was hoping for an A tpi nk buat mcm mne x de rezeki so syukur je la daripada yang fail tu hik hik.

In a nutshell usaha tangga kejayaan.Since I've done with nihon go (pdhl x lopek je lagi LOL) so currently I am learning a new language still Asian which is Korean .Ok let me get this clear aku belajar sbb aku bosan dn aku sgt berminat nak belajar bahasa baharu bkn merely sbb K-POP and stuff.Besides, I've got the basic from Japanese so why don't I?Lgi pun resource utk Hangug Go (Korean) ni berlambak so aku tak perlu pun nk pergi kelas ke ape.And in future aku rasa aku nk belajar dgn lebih serius mungkin smpai thp fluent and sitting for TOPIK exam (Test of Proficiency in Korean) ? Insya Allah , Amin!Buku text pun dh ade jual online so nnti dpt duit je Im thinking to start right away If Allah wills it.K till the next time!

I hereby wrap up my entry
Assalamualaikum w.b.t


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