بهاس ملايو VS English Language

Asslamualaikum and good day everyone!So for this very entry ade satu perkara yg bsr jgak la aku nk nukilkan(ecece).As you can read it above I mean the title,it is obviously stating what Im going to deliver.But before I start kindly I would say this entry is not intended to offense any languages or race in this world. it is just my own opinion get it? Ok let's start

Issue ni actually dah quite lapuk, and its indeed a big concerns of the government sbb ye lah psl bahasa Melayu kot! Our language is the one that embraces our culture and Malay civilisation itself.Turbulence came when people starts to questions its relevancy as a medium for many crucial components of the country.Contohnye ekonomi,pendidikan dan bnyk lagi.Perubahan struktur bahasa perdana bermule mse pnjjhn British whereby they implied english language as the medium for administration. so in the timeline of their colonisation, org Melayu sgt hebat berbahasa inggeris.

Namun pd hri ini org Malaysia dh smakin truk dlm english in fact in 10 of the brilliant student academically only 2 of them could verse english very well.Dan ini menyebabkan ramai rakyat Malaysia yg berpotensi utk menyerlah terbantut prjlnnye sbb x boleh brtutur bahasa english dgn baik.Ape org kate, tak market and not competent enough for the global competition.

Jdi kerjaan dahulunye telah melksanekn dasar ppsmi di mana teaching and learning science and mathematics are conducted in english language (UK).So spnjng pelaksaannye there are few goods and flaws yg aku observed and intepreted:

The Goods
  • Students akn get used to the usage of english sbb nnti akn gune jgak mse university especially for those yg nk pursue studies dlm critical fields mcm engineering,medicines,dentistry and many more!
  • Student would be more competent sbb boleh compete dgn student international
  • Student akan lebih mudah utk express their thoughts and wowed the global society.
The Flaws
  • The tends to mncmpur adukkan bahasa Melayu dgn english or manglish(mcm aku LOL)
  • Some would barely use Malay as a prime language in speaking sbb rase lebih educated when speaking english(well let me tell you yg tu rubbish)
  • Some students form suburban area would hardly understand the content sbb ye lah their parents aren't speaking omputih kat rumah so the ilmu is not delivered and received well

So as to preserved Bahasa Melayu the gov skali lgi rombk pngunaan bahasa kembali kpd asl iaitu gune bahasa melayu sbg mediumnye.Numerous reactions dberikn and I was not excluded.
No offence la tpi as for me it is vital to imply english dlm pmbljrn dn pngjrn Maths and Science subjects sbb ye lah the terms is obviously different.Contoh yea , Mathematical Reasoning (Penaakulan Matematik) xke lain tu (and some of the terms dlm Bm agk kelakar dan mencuit hati hehe).The reality is bila basuk U , A-level or IB they going to learn that terms in English anyway.Maybe yg tu remeh but here's come another reason.Kalau x blaja in english mse skolah, they would find its hard to revise notes and textbooks in english mse u. There's none of the notes or reference books in Malay utk medicine,engineering, dentistry apatah lagi.So indeed sgt pnting utk imply the usage of English.

Psl those yg x fhm ennglish tu x de mslh sgt sbb cikgu ajr dlm bm jgak as medium to deliver tpi terms dlm english tu yg pnting sbnrnye.

Jdi bila kite make this matter into larger scopes and perspectives sadly i would say I hardly agree with the facts that Malay language cannot be the medium for everything like what Japanese,Arabian, Chinese and Korean do.Sbb teacher Faz (my awesome Chemistry teacher) ckp those country they are country yg manufacture technology and have great influence economically so they have the power to force the outsiders to use their language as the medium to communicate if the outsiders nk cooperate or berurusan dgn negare mereka.Yet we are not at that level sadly.

Tpi Im not saying that Malay language should be banned totally and disihkn umpama kucing kurap dgn begitu shj.In fact it should be protected.Aku sgt menyokong tindkn kerajaan yg mngkerhkn DBP utk memelihara BM dgn pelbagai inisiaif contohnye menyaman papn2 tanda premis yg menggunakn tatabahasa dn ejaan bahasa melayu yg salah(like what I do hehe) sbb bnde ni hnye akn mncmrkn bahasa ibunda yg trcinta.Bahsa Melyu smmngnye prnh mnjadi Lingua Franca pde suatu mse dahulu.Namun kita hrus brpijak di bumi yg nyata bahawa itu semua hanya tinggal sbg sejarah Nusantara.

As the conclusion both Bahasa Melayu and English Language should be taken into account as the two most important language sbb both of it has its own kepentingan kepd negara.Sbb how would Malaysia would be able to compete if the Malaysia are not able to speak English well? And in return what would happen to our culture and civilization if Bahasa Melayu terus dipndng enteng?Fikirknlah ye.

Huh pnjgn sungguh entry kali ni.Skali lagi aku nk tknkn this is just my very humble opinion ye. Jdi maybe it is totally wrong or merely half true!

Sekian assalamualaikum.


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