The Day When I Bid Farewell.

Salam everyone , ok its been quite long since the last entry isn't? Then it shows betapa hectic hidup aku kerana satu peperiksaan yg frequently said, menentukn hala tuju hidup para warganegara Malaysia apabila mereka brumur 17 seperti aku muahaha.Ehem back to the serious mood. Well what can I  say we had work hard+smart+brjuang halflife (physics tetibe) hehe.Its not only me and my TBZ ,our dedicated teachers yg bnyk sacrificed their time,money(Cg Aziz I know you do),energy,akak n abg2 DM, Aunty Saro,Abg2 Guard semua berusaha utk make all this happen.

So we had done with our part and let just leave the other part for Allah Almighty.If Allah wills it, definitely nothing can stop that indeed.Jdinye aku tawakkal je.If dpt straight A+ it is great if not it is great nonetheless.

Reaction towards the SPM papers? It somewhat had successfully made us be like:

Maybe ade sedikit unsur hiberbola di situ tetapi gitu lah almost all of the papers mcm pelik siket.But for the electives ade yg senang dan ade yg mcm gmbr di ats. As for me la Add Maths quite rare this year tpi alhamdulillah la boleh jwb.Physics P3 die i was confused in the experiment section.Chemistry pulak mm p2 die la agk tough siket by I made my way sbb soalan salt die amat menyeronokkan.Aku baru suke tajuk salt time nk SPM sedeh kn.Bio pulak paper 1 die agk challenging, p2 die rse mcm nk trbng best gile jwb hrp bio A+ la kesian Tcher Nad and Cg BIo yg lain b'cause last year none got BIO A+.

Right after the P3 we created another tradition which I hope the next batch would do the same.Kiteorg buat sujud syukor.Well doing sujud syukor had made me feel calm and to remember that a bigger challenges awaits in future.X sempat nk leleh2 pun sbb rushing gile hntr buku teks and then time tu dh ptg mcm bye2 gitu je lah

Tpi bile dh on the way balik I started  reminiscing every single moment sweet or vice versa.And my mind were trying to digest the fact that I won't go back there and study.I'll miss the friendly teachers (Cg Azfa,Cg Murniza),Ustaz Hamdi yg amat aku segani I'll miss his words of wisdom for sure and many more x trsebut satu2.

And for my forever beloved Trailblazers.We had braved numerous obstacles together.Thanks for being there in my life.I would hardly forget you guys.You changed me a lot! The most saddest part is I would miss my best friends in SESTA like Manji,Ado  and Shameer.They made my years in SESTA.Ado la yg sush lupe kot sbb die lyn je merepek aku and in return aku pon lyn je la.I'll miss the moment when we are acting like ARGHH PANASS!!! Hahaha

Haha.I'll pray to Allah that each and every one of us would be successful in future and after future, Hereafter.Remember whatever it is we would stick together as one.FOREVER!! Amin Insya Allah SPM'14 9A+ =)

The next would be about a promise that I've made with someone =)


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