Homework O Homework

Salam, well I've been in boarding school's life for almost 4 years and every end year holidays my dedicated teachers will 'attached' us with stacks of homework which somehow bukn semua cikgu nk bgi pon but it for our sake jugak.

 Jdi bile akhir tahun je, homework aq enggak prnahnya siap dong! And later balik skola cari geng ,sape yg x siap and for surely, kami jdi golongan majoriti muahaha.

Tapi as for this year's holiday saya bertekad utk menyiapkan segala homework,task,tugasan dan kaum kerabatnya yg lain sebelum cuti sekolah melabuhkan tirainya. This is because as what I've read from a website anonymous je but for sure Malaysian people la. It states that homework is the way we learn ,(pdhl aq rse rmai je yg da tahu) tpi x pe la drpd x tau lngsung. Okay in order to solve our problem above barangkali I'll set up a schedule yg practical ,PRACTICAL.PRACTICAL which is truly not beyond my capability utk melaksanakannya. Insyaallah segala homework akn dibereskan dgn kadar yg'selesa'. 

Ok in this entry jugak Aku nk brkongsi kot care-care untuk menyiapkan homework memandangkan maybe few of us still don't know the right path or solution that is so simple but could make a big change!.

1 Buat homework pada waktu lapang di sekolah do as much homework as you can
Rational : This will avoid those tonnes of homework got to be done during prep time or at home which sepatutnya bole didisi dgn study atau menyelesaikan masalah seperti mslh BADAR hehe. But as for my case yg end year punye homework ni, supposedly I should finished it up at school like what girls kat class 4 Lilium yg rajin gila tu, but its okay we still could finish it at home right? So mereka agak untung kerana those tonnes berkurangan tahniah buat Sisters 4 Lilium.

2.Buat "Sorting Table"
Rational : Ini akan dapat membantu anda ( huh anda !) drpd keliru mne homework yg prlu disiapkan dahulu atau kemudian.
  • Caranya : Buat kota besar then divide it into 4 coloumns like below ni

Jdi nnti bole la nnti sort sgala task yg need to be done and idok le jdi seghabut kpale nye! ngehehe.

3. Okay for the third method me as a male creature in this world had quite a big problem with it which is habit suka menangguh kerja. Simply i would say avoid it. For life avoid it, because it killed my happiness at the end of my holiday every single year. Plus ade pepatah mengatakan menangguh itu pencuri masa. Jadi it is wise la kalo kita brjaya elakkan sikap negatif bin lahanat ni (harsh nye) but that is the fact of this kind of habit.

(Ou i did also learn a new vocab, which is 'proscrastination' which means penangguhan). alhamdulillah. tpi agk terbelit lidah siket time nk sebut haha.

Ok seperti biasa kite ends entry ini with the words from the best person :
Our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H)

The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allāh be upon him) said: ”Take advantage of five matters before five other matters: your youth before you become old; your health, before you fall sick; your wealth, before you become poor; your free time before you become preoccupied, and your life, before your death.” (Narrated by Ibn Abbas in the Mustadrak of Hakim & Musnad Imam Ahmad. Sahih)

p/s do visit  www.wikihow.com because ade banyk tips with pictures yg agk bergune utk hidup insyaallah.


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