Pity Him...

Salam, so few days ago my tok(grandma),tok wan (the opposite of grandma) and my aunt came to my house sbb tok ngan tok wan aku nk buat passport as they'll go for Umrah alhamdulillah , boleh mintak doa dpt 9A+ SPM amin insyaallah.Ok their presence in my house did coloured my holiday somehow.

Tapi back to our title, ok him is referring to my younger brother nama dia Muiz ,he's 12 and going to turn 13. Mcm x prcaye je haha. Ok critanya begini ye.. becei lew betoi2 ok.  I was at my sister's room (die x de die dkt Kuantan muahaha) surfing the net. Suddenly I heard a knock. Ok bole byng sndiri bunyi dia. Ingtkn ayh aku sbb my father suke knock pintu yg brkunci tmbh2 klu aq yg dlm tu hehe.So bukak2 my brother la..he enters the room dgn keadaan yg cemas. and later asking for help. Mcm ni "hoo nk minx tolong ,fb aq kene hack' and i was like paaadia?! tpi sbg abg yg mithali (haaaaaaa, angleic voice again!)aq pon tolong la apa yg trdaya bila die login die jdi mcm ni.
This is what came out after he logged in , kesian =(

  Jdi lps tu aku pon tkn la button 'continue' tu and guess what? this pop up

And after aku tngok page ni bru aq fhm sbb ape adik aku tibe2 ketuk pntu dan buat bunyi sperti di atas. Jdi aq try laa nk tkr password through email and this happened

Sejak itu, (hee sedih je bunyi), aku pon ckp la kt adik ,'sbar lla dik hidup mmg mcm ni bnyk cbaran'(dgn nada yg sedih+ketawa) sbb situation tu agak kelakar dan sgt rare. Tapi nasib baik laa die ade account fb laen. So thumbs up for him! 

Satu lagi cerita psl budak ni ialah, after 'graduation' day die kt skolah, he left his bag in his class and went to somewhere else. Tibe2 mmhmhmhm.. beg itu dilihat trbuka , dan ia kelihatan seperti dibuka sbb adik aku ckp die zip beg sbelum die berjimba (jengjeng!), dan apabila diperiksa, his certificates files and another files, with his UPSR slip and sijil berhenti sekolah gone (jengjeng!) M.I.A. Dipendekkan cerita last2, kwn die jumpa and that files is safe and sound. No wonder time aq bru balik die mcm stress . Igtkn stress psl result, rupenye file udah ilang. hehehe. 

As for me , maybe ape yg jdi kt die ni bole djdikn pengajaran ,supaya lbih brhati2 dn psn kt orng yg brhmprn (trustworthy punye kwn ,of course not strangers) utk tngokkan beg atau any belogings supaya tak M.I.A ( missing in action).

Last from me, selamat menyambut Hari Kanak-Kanak Sedunia! Lindungilah kanak2 kerana mereka amat memerlukan kita and they are the one who'll inherit this world from us in the future!
As usual i'll close this entry with hadith from our beloved Prophet Muhammad S.A.W:

Narrated Anas bin Malik: An Ansari woman came to the Prophet in the company of her children, and the Prophet said to her, “By Him in Whose Hand my soul is, you are the most beloved people to me!” And he repeated the statement thrice.Sahih Al-Bukhari – Book 78 Hadith 640

Then if Prophet Muhammad S.A.W could love children why couldn't and shouldn't we?=D


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