Future O Future

Salam, as for this entry I will talk ( actually tulih hehe) about my somehow planned future, in terms of education and careers ahead, huh excited. Ok cane nk start eh, o ok. Ceritenye bermula begini, when I was little, toddler and so on, my initial ambition was to be a surgeon,ok tu x pelik biase la sume bdak nk jdi doktor. However as I entered high school, tetibe rase mcm betul ke ni, rse mcm x mint je dgn krjaye doktor perubatan pstu ntah la everything felt so wrong,(hee over je). Jadi aku pon ingore je prasaan tu trus dgn cite2 aku yg asl.
I am a person yg suke buat research bile mnat dgn sesuatu prkara, kdg2 overesearched pon ade hehe. Jdi aku pon kalau bosan je kt library i'll get a book titled "Kerjaya sebagai Doktor Perubatan' bace laa bla bla . Prsaan 'everything gone wrong" tu dtg balik. Smpaila sorng kwn aq ni gave me an inspiration to change my ambition.The inspiration was given when we were just hang out in the Counseling room, dialognye berbunyi begini
" Wei ape ambition ko?"
Then my friend answered,  "Aku nk jdi dentist"
Suddenly , aku jdi mcm tingggg!!! (kluar mentol sume) hihi. Starting from that very moment aku dh mule  mcm why not jdi dentist?, mkin aq kaji makin I'll get interested with this career, for your information in medical doctor's career ade satu term "on call", di mana doktor akn dipanggil bile2 msi saje, (ketika anda brsame family,nk keluar berjimba atau bersiar2 brsma kwn dan mungkin mse terawih di Bulan Ramadhan who knows?' Jdi aku x sanggup nk mengorbnkn semua mse yg brhrge brsama family semata2 utk career, nnti hdup x seimbang. Mana boleh!!
Justeru (uuu!) aku pun mncari la mcm mne nk jdi dentist, i mean what is its career path, so from rational to rubbish dh aku jmpa. Mule nye aku mmg x nk msok matrics ntah laa sbb mcm x minat. Aku mule interested in this foundation of a top national univeristy which is..UM nme fiundation die Pusat Asasi Sains UM (PASUM), mcm style kn, my cousin study kt sane . He's truly brilliant lah!.
Dlm hti sbnrnya aku trfikir jgak , PASUM ni sme je la mcm matriks. To make it worse its leavers x semestinye dpt msuk UM. Jdi aku seumpama msih trcari2 mne la yg btul kene dgn keinginan aku.
One day, recently rsenye, aku trjumpa satu IPTS, actually I've heard its name from teachers and people lah anyone, tpi x trfikir pulak nk buat research psl this one institute, which is INTEC stands for International Education College
I did explored all of its website's contents, (almost).I went through all of the programmes offered there. So here's few 

-Level = -A-Level UK (ALUK), A-Level Medicine (ALM) =D , A-Level German (ALG)




-Middle East

-AUSMAT (for those yg nk jmpa Mat Luthfi haha)

-ADFP & ACTP (for those yg nk fly to US.)

So that's it more less la, yg aku sgt2 brminat ialah ALM sbb student yg attend programme tu will either fly to UK, Ireland , India and stuff or join twinning programme. Twinning programme ni mksudnya mcm 2 thun kt any Uni at Malaysia (chosen one by INTEC) then you'll fly! And i am truly hoping for yg direct programme, best nye!!! Course offered untuk ALM ni starts from Medicine,Dentistry to Pharmacy.
Jdi aku sgt brhrp dan berdoa kpd Allah S.W.T so that He ease my journey utk msuk Intec ni and fly to UK for Dentistry and went back as a Dentist..amin.. Jdi I have to try my very best to attain 9A ++++++ for SPM 2014, aminn. And I'll try my best either in getting MARA or JPA's scholarship. Insya Allah.
Actually this one entry is isn't made fro boasting purpose. In fact I just want to express my ambition, so that it'll be more less my motivation and inspiration for me to put more efforts in obtaining success.
Thus, for those who read this entry aku sgt brhrp that you'll pray for me day and night ( over hehe) for my ambition to becomes reality one day. Doakan juge yg I'll be the best Muslim and slave for Allah S.W.T because that is the main purpose of our existence in this temporary world full of phony and mortality.
p/s kadang2 rse mcm nk jdi Pharmacist pon ade ( aaa sudh! >.<!)
As usually, readers I'll close this entry with hadith from the best mankind:
The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Attainment of knowledge is a must for every Muslim."
    So people, why wait? Seek every knowledge that you could, because if we are full with wealth we need to take care of it , but if we are full with knowledge, it will take care of us instead. Let's together search for knowlegde, strive for Allah's bless and sucess in this world and hereafter insya Allah , amin. Salam                


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