Doubts No More!

Assalam and good day dear readers.So the last post I was like being so clueless on what Im going to do in future.In terms of career la.Jdinya lepas aku fikir semasak-masaknya dicampur dgn sesi ceramah karier percuma from ibu and kakak.I do realised that I was drowned in confusion between minat and kerjaya.

As I'd mentioned before I love to learn languages,culture and etc.Jdinye tertimbullah idea utk jdi translator/interprator and so on.The key kpd masalah ini ialah I did my researches.Yes!Dengan bimbingan Mr. Google dan Miss Lappy aku pun menerjah la latar belakang kerjaya ini.I was somewhat mcm x suke working environment die.Especially interpreter la.It is a very hectic and busy career.Emm, sbb I want a job that can accommodates my needs in having a balance life atau dengan kata mudahnya I WANT A LIFE! with my job.

I WANT A LIFE!!!!(Lps tu ada echoes baru LEGEND!)

I asked few friends (Ado,Hanin,Mun asl semua girls? ntah yg ni je sempat nk tnye ahaha) and indeed they are resourceful!Especially Hanin, thanks wei!All of them kinda disagree with my choice utk go for translating career as they say I can do more.They see me with a greater potential which currently unknown ahaha.So I reverted my decision utk jdi translator la amende la, to denist balik.

And yg aku paling suke is suggestion from Hanin whom suggested that I can do the translating job as a side-income je ha lebih kurang mcm tu la.Sbb aku minat so aku fikir ok la.I must have a strong base punya career la which is dentist.Jdi masalah yg aku hadapi telah pun selesai.I'd sorted both of my minat into prior career and another one to be just as a hobby.Jdi lps jdi dentist aku akn take a foreign language class and sit for certificate examination.And wallah!I am both a dentist and translator!LOL!

This is for those who helped me in figuring my way out!

I am quite grateful as this happens mase cuti since I dont have to be like so rushing to come out with a conclusion.Alhamdulillah!!!

So readers pray for my success ye! Aku sgt berharap dpt update blog psl my life in Ireland majoring in Dentistry (B.D.S) amin! Kalau dh smpai Ireland tu maybe I'll shall set up a Youtube Channel might be?Hopefully one day I can have a stamp (cop) with 
'Dr. Abdul Wafiy (B.D.S)' on it Amin.Till the next time ye!



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