
Assalam and good day readers.Well usually aku akan rasa excited utk tulis entry baru but its not likely this time.I am writing this entry with my heart yg as if standing on groundles ground,full of agitations and DOUBTS.Pretty well,I thought I was determined and acknowledged enough about my future career,life and stuff.

For those yg dh prnh bace entry aku sebelum,you would know that I was very determined to be a dentist.Yes,but suddenly there's something that had changed it all.Yes ALL.Aku trus switched into a mode yg trbahagi dua.Chop.Mesti korang x faham kn ape yg aku ckp ni ahaha.Ok mcm ni cerita die skrng I am standing in front of two paths that would bring me far apart from the one that I hadn't.The path is whether nk jdi dentist or a interpretor/diplomat and stuff.This is because my father had somewhat suggested me to be translator tu lah.And my stand wasn't changed just because of that very factor.Ade lagi sbbnya.

Aku ada la buat career quiz,personality quiz and stuff.And almost all of the results from the test had shown that dentis as my career is negative.So I was like.WHATT???!.Because I am really into that field but suddenly those quizzes showed me the vice versa.Indeed deep in my heart aku terfikir lah jugak,maybe its true,because sometimes aku pun ade rse doubts jgak btul ke dentistry ni?Aku x rase minat yg sebegitu mendalam.

Ok bab yg translator/diplomat/interpreter ni pulak.Start lama dh dulu when I was like mmm primary or kindergarten kot.Aku mcm kagum dgn polyglot.Polyglot ni mcm orang yg boleh speak in different languages.Aa gitu.But then aku kn masuk SBP so science stream lah kn?And majority org akn aim for courses yg related to sciences.So was I.But then bila start cuti SPM ni mulalah merayap dlm internet psl career semua.So dipendekkan cerita minat utk bidang ni timbul balik.The main factor aku berminat dgn bidang ni ialah I love languages aku suka belajar language.Because it opens up broad possibilities and chances utk kita.Instead,I can communicate with wider audience internationally.So sbb tu la cuti ni aku start belajar Korean (alkisah nya please click this link!)

Yesterday I asked Ayah for his wise opinion about my thoughts of taking the art or humanity stream meaning that dalam bidang translation,interpretation and etc.Then my father shows me yg numerical punye secret tu.Ala mcm birthday secret.Kn Dr. Fadzilah Kamsah pun ade buat psl bende mcm gini.So it shows that medicine or health related careers is a BIG NO NO for me.And guess what yg translation, diplomat tu lah yg said to be the SUPER YES for me in terms of doing business la. 

Jdi nye so far yg aku tahu kalau nk masuk dalam bidang ni ade very few institutions yg offer first University Malaya,but they call the course as East Asian Study,dlm tu ade Chinese Studies,Japanese Studies and Korean Studies.It takes only four years.So takde la lama sgt.And another is still UM but in School of Linguistics.Die offer bnykla European punye language,mcm French,Italian,Espanyol and Chinese,Japanese,Arabic.So Korean tak ada sedih sebentar ahaha.Tpi aku tengok and rasa yg East Asian studies tu mcm lagi best.Sbbnye die ade belajar psl masyarakat and the building blocks of the society itself.So mcm best!

Ok so conclusionye tunggu result SPM dulu then kite tengok mcm mne.And maybe aku akan buat isntikharah kot Insya Allah.Doakanlah diri ini akan dapat menemui jalan yg dieredhai dan membawa kpd kebahagiaan yg hakiki (dh mcm ayat buku Telaga Biru dh ahaha)

So that's it nnti kalau dh buat decision aku update ok but I think I would be lama lagi lah sbb skrng ni tngh mnnti result spm haa aku ade poster legend yg nk dietempekkan sbgai 'pencuci mulut'.ENJOY (SUMPAH LEGEND POSTER NI!)

K till the next time!

I hereby wrap up my entry


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