Laporan Cuti SPM-2014

Assalam readers yes it is been a while kan aku x update blog ni.Well honestly I am not that busy I mean not at all!!!LOL!Cuti lepas SPM ni can be superbly best and nastily boring.Before habis SPM masa tgh struggle separuh nyawa dekat SESTA dulu berangan masa cuti lepas SPM mesti best,tidur,relax internet 24/7,drama,movies and the list goes on endlessly.Biasalah itu semua fatamorgana semata-mata ahaha.The reality is my life after SPM is not that awesome nor hambar neither.Kira ok lah suam-suam kuku.

So I will start with my common/typical daily routine.Trust me daily routine aku sgt la melawan hukum Biology.Ya Ampun!Mula dgn tidur ye I will sleep around 5a.m or 4 a.m tapi lately x tidur smpai subuh lepas syuruk je kau,qada' sampai petang dahsyat kan?I don't know how I'm gonna fix this but itulah keadaannya sekarang ini.Ok then lepas bangun kalau rajin buat la house-hold chores sikit,tngok tv sikit (sumpah sikit tv nowadays is like ^(*^*(%$#$).Then online twitter,fb chat with firends and internet again.Magrib pergi surau and itu jelah kot rasanya typical daily routine aku.Biasa je cuma part yg sleeping hours aku tu maybe agak outrageous sikit I bet.Haha.

Back in school dulu my friends and I pernah la berbincang pasal kerja.Nak kerja apa yada3.Dalam kepala aku,I have the thought of working as a part-timer dkt Chatime nearby my house.But it turns out tak jadi pun sbb masalah transport and my parents seems to against my will in getting a job.So redha je lah ok je.I don't have to wake up early in the morning and return at 10p.m which is kinda crappy.Tapi bila boring mula lah merantau ke online shops macam online bookstores and stuff.I have a list of things that I want to be.The major problem is pitih tak dok.So sad kan?Jadi aku fikir how on Earth I would earn money?

Dipendekkan cerita I stumbled upon a Malaysian website called 'JobDiRumah'.I am an open minded people and not that kind yang really skeptical with online thingy as long as  the websites seems legal or legit aku ok je.I joined the membership program terbang RM 50 aku untuk belajar pasak freelancing ini.Oh lupa JobDiRumah ni dia macam ajar kita macam mana nak kerja sebagai online freelancer.There are wide-range of job yang kau boleh jumpa.The famous one is Data Entry as it is easy but you got paid like a lot of cash.
Mula-mula join tu satu kerja pun tak dapat so I almost gave up and sedih gila.But one day I got an email from an American man he is from Florida.Known as Robert Tripka .He would like to hire me for a such easy job.Guess what?Converting documents form Scribd to PDF and MS Word.Super easy.Aku pun setuju and buat je la kerja yang dia suruh tu 7 documents overall and I got paid around $30 for that such simple job.Alhamdulillah!So I've been working for him about three weeks I guess? Dah tiga projects dah.And total semua almost $75 semuanya tolak sikit dari value tu sebab kena bayar fee PayPal.Everyproject tak sama ok.Bestnya online freelancing ni kerja kau tak teruk gaji best,boleh maki boss kau dkt depan lapto kiamat dia tak tahu,(ahaha tak baik betul),and kau tak payah nak pakai smart2.Terbaik!!!

Dah dapat duit tu tangan gatal nak shopping and I bought a book last night yeay!!!I love online shopping because we have like a lot of choice yg tak ada di Malaysia and sometimes a lot more cheaper than you could imagine.Boleh banding harga and etc.So best!Itulah kerja aku sekarang as an online freelancer.Rezeki, alhamdulillah hehe.So my wishlist will be like shorter la kut lepas ni Insya Allah.

Ouh psl Driving School eh?Nanti lah tak banyak cerita lagi.Bila dah penuh cerita di dada baru aku carita ok.That's it for cuti SPM nothing much.

It turns out lagi 4 hari result SPM 2014 yang dinanti-nantikan akan keluar tak lama lagi.Pastinya kecemerlangan dengan warna beterbangan (flying colours) diimpikan oleh both parents and child.Of course lah kn?As for me aku dah sampai tahap redha je dengan apa jua keputusan yang bakal diterima.To be honest aku dah ready-kan diri aku untuk menghadapi realiti or kebarangkalian aku tak dapat straight A.Tapi selagi masa masih ada ini I won't stop praying to Allah to grant me 9A+ and give me the strength to face whatever results that I shall receive on that very day.Doa juga agar tak lupa diri or riak if I succeded.Amin Insya Allah!Aku doakan yang terbaik buat kalian yang membaca expecially TBZ 1014 although we have lots of flaws yet that made us special and limited edition.

Jumpa minggu hadapan untuk update result SPM 2014 nanti harapnya kegembiraan akan menyinari blog ini, ahaha poyo nya ayat SubhanAllah!Ok lah till the next entry!



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