The Last Teachers' Day Part I

Salam, it's been a long time since the last post isn't it? LOL well somehow bile kt skolh bnyk je rse nk update tpi sbb  lame sgt simpn bnde tu hilang feel 'volatilized' kot ha aca aca je. So thinking of what to write, aku rse nk cerite tntng the last Teachers' Day. Haha skolh aku rare sikit , bkn rare sbb ape pon its just that we don't really celebrate teachers' day secara meriahnya pd tarikh keramat hari tersebut iaitu 16 May lol. 

Bkn saje2 buat mcm tu ini semua sbb exam PPT yg trcinta huew huew . LOL. So as the F5 with the help of the MT's eh silap BAKTI, minx la celebration yg gmpak lagi meletop tu ditangguhkn. So we just had a very modest and humble teachers' day on 16 May. But we rocked the celebration on 22nd May yaw! Haha. So sblm ni I did not participated directly or do some performance or whatever for the TCD (stands for teachers day mls nk tulis pnjg bebeno haha). But since aku mmg dh lme sgt tringin nk blakon on stage or shortly i could stay doing theater sbb nmpk mcm cool gile. Jdi for this year punye TCD aku participated la. I;ve got the cast as a warden muahahaha nama dia noo Che Bakaq and my psychic was Syarah holding the cast as Che Nab warden jugek. It was hilarious as we don't even wrote down or got any script fully spontan ok. Haha . To summarise it all best la dpt blakon sbb ntah la bole jdi org lain ats pnts haha. Lps hbis je bnde tu sumphn Che Bakaq mnghntui aku muahaha , almost semua kls yg cg masuk semua mention psl watk che bakaq tu malu gila lol. But I take that as a sign that I did the acting successfully (prsn je).

So as I've mentioned before my beloved batch TBZ 1014 are the one who handled the TCD with the help of the awesome teachers (Ustaz Hamdi and Tcher Nad). There's alot of things yg aku suke time hri guru tu and one of it is (to be continued)


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