
Salam and good day everyone! So why in the world the post title above boleh keluar .Contibuer tu bkn typo but contribute in French. Well actually it's all begun yesterday which is Friday. As always every single muslim guy would went out to le masjid untuk Jumaah prayer.Bkn nk crite psl smbhyg jumaat pon . So basically the title of the khutbah im not very sure but seems to me that khutbah semlm berkisrkn kpntingan remaja dlm sesebuah negara and prnn segenap pihak utk membntrs kruntuhn akhlak rmaja yg dh x lrt nk runth tu. Ha nmpk dahsyat nye kn. Jdihe the content of the khutbah has inspired me to state what,how and maybe why we as the youngster or youth could contribute to the civilization of this country and also Islam espeacially. Bnyk cara sbnrnye  utk kite mnyumbg kpd msyrkt, its just the vision and our path that differs.Too many till x boleh nk dihitung , aslkn ats landasn syarak yg Sunni bkn Syiah dan ikhlas Insya Allah dpt hasil dan dipndg Allah S.W.T

So antranya yg youngster boleh contribute utk masyarakat ni aku boleh bahagi kpd dua iaitu short term and long term impact.So cite psl short term dulu la.Pertamanya if you are a school student you could just spread the positive values because in Physics pon we learned that positive pole the charge is given out and at negative pole the charge is absorbed or going into the pole. So positive values must be spread out such as conth yg paling mudohhh the way we speak. It is unnecessarily to put on curse during speaking, so org yg ckp dgn kite pon selesa nk dgr and for those yg err kuat mn@#%@$% tu boleh fikir scra mtgnye 'my friend do look swag without curse so why dont I?' aa mcm tu lha lebih kurng.

Maybe some would say yg suggestion ats tu quite hard and maybe sush nk pratik sbb diri sndiri pon mncarut juge mungkin. But no worries people ade care laen yg kite boleh menyumbang. Do use your social media because its so mainstream and once you tweet or post thousand(yg famous la) will see you tweets if its a da'wah you''ll granted good deeds form Allah S.W.T.And for those who owns blogs you can maybe share your knowledge eventhough x bnyk pon conthnye maybe bole share psl tips about anythinng la blaja ke, psl games ke , psl scholarhsip ke or pengalamn yg dirasakan mampu mmbantu org laen di masa hdpn.Cikgu saya Pn Nor Saliza prnh ckp kt saya dan BSMM yg lain, yg die buat blog utk share ilmu Biology dan Concept Map die kot,, kat blog supaya nnti die ade shm akhirat bile di alam barzah. haaa contribution is not equal to pemberian atau pengorbanan yg sia-sia ok.Besides if you are holding a post you should never forgive yourself for not contributing anything to your followers or your organization.

Utk longterm punye pulak is our jihad for the time being yg msih brgelar pelajar. We must keep in our heart and mind that we study sbb kite nk dgn ilmu yg kite gali pengalaman yg kite timba akhirnya mampu meletakkan kita pd satu thp dimana mudah utk kita menymbang dgn impak yg lebih besar pd masyarakat. sbg contoh kita lihat Prof Dr. Muhaya she was a STF(Sekolah Tun Fatimah) student, she studied hard and become a very successful woman and ophthalmologist at Prince Court Medical Center. From that such position die boleh menyumbang terus kpd society dgn doing her noble job instead of that she also x prnh lokek utk share ilmu dan give motivation to Malaysian nowadays. I like the way she talk its so humble and respectful and when she share her experience during conducting a surgery then relate it with Islam. brilliant isn't?

So jgn prnh brhnti berhrp utk usaha sbb fikirkn brape nyk org menyumbng utk kite because if you are a SBP student or any other boarding school like SMKA  espeacially, masyrakat byr cukai kpd kerajaan and that money is used to support you expenses instead of you are supported by  your parent's money. Jdi we have to bear in our mind yg kita ada tanggungjawab utk give it back to the society by study hard and smart and be a doctor,dentist,engineer and scientist or even accountant so that you can do and give something back to the society. And bile dh capai thp mcm tu jgn lupe utk menyumbang dan jgn hanya fikir utk memenuhkn poket sndiri shj bak kata Ustaz Hamdi my inspiring ustaz.
Haha hri tu lupe nk ltk gmbr Ustaz Hamdi he is the one with golden batik a very inspiring yet open minded Ustaz

So from that now, if you cannot contribute through academic you could do so thorugh business or blaja kemahiran or at least stop doing something that just mnghncurkn diri sndiri,bangsa,agama dan negara stop being selfish sbb bak kata Ustaz lagi hak kita trhdp diri sndiri sgtlh sikit , and ade rmai lgi org yg mmpunyai hak ke ats diri kita . Ingat tu.Always think to contribute,contribute and contribute.

Last word from me, dlm usaha kita utk contribute don't forget to always stay close to Allah The Almighty because our contribution will be nothing if kita langgar hukumNya dan seolah menjmput murkaNya.

Haha sorry entry ni pnjg siket .Hopefully that for those yg baca akn enlightened and would put full effort so that they could contribute more. Lastly walaupun dh ckp lastly kt ats haha, igt contribution x semestinya akn mndpt pujian dan penghrgaan,mungkin kita dihina dan x perlu pun untuk acknowledgekn kt org yg kite dh contribute something (haihh muhasabah diri). That's all thank you very much.Remember tgn yg diats lebih mulia drpd tgn yg di bawah.Wassalam



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