Family Outing

Salam and good day everyone! Reading the title above I think you might got the idea for this entry roughly right. Dah tak nak merepek. So just earlier this day my family and I went to Penang "The Pearl of the Orient'. Tujuan asalnye adalah untuk hantar iron Philips yang dah rosak so sementara tunggu setereka itu siap dibaiki makanya kami sekeluarga pun berjalan-jalan (*nada Indon  teehee). So at first my brother suggested us to go to Penang Megamall, yeah its big dengan nama pun dah tahu but as for me it looks errr macam dah tak ada roh mall hahaha ( and aku sebut ruh tu dengan ha' pedas jadi bunyi dia jadi ruhhhh). So memandangkan semua orang dah setuju untuk tidak melepak di mall itu jadi kami pun menukar destinasi yang aku cadangkan teehee. Oh lupa nak mention secara spesifiknya we went to Seberang Jaya and Seberang Prai. So below is the picture of the 'ruhh'les mall. Inilah contoh indah khabar dari rupa.

And you can judge it with your own eyes it is so 'ruhh'les
Therefore as what I've mentioned before we went to another location and the location is Sunway Carnival Mall , Seberang Jaya. For this one I'd say ruhh-ful haha.

Nampaklah bernyawa sikit. Masuk je mall semua makan dulu sebab perut masing-masing dah 'berzikir' (hyperbolic gila hehe). Right after that pergi solat. Lepas habis solat, semua bertempiaran eh tak menuju ke tempat yang dihajati la. Father and I went to Popular bookstore because I wanted to buy some novels yang memang dah lama rasa nak beli tapi tak kesampaian. Lepas pusing-pusing at the fiction and teens section I've found two novels. Yang first memang dah lama target sebab teacher Amy kata the author which is Sophie Kinsella tu best and kebetulan pula she's just published one brand new novel entitled 'Wedding Night' haa sangat girlish. Yeah I admit that Sophie Kinsella ni tulis cerita macam girlish sikit but since teacher Amy cakap she describes a thing with all sorts of details till we feels like we are there (lebih kurang macam tu la) sebab itu aku nak beli juga ( lagi satu cover dia nice haha). For the second one jenuh jugala mencari daripada Nicholas Sparks to John Green semuanya bagi aku macam 'ekkk!' tak best and the genre sama macam the first novel so takut boring. I almost chose Sparks' 'The Last Song' since ramai orang kata best.In fact Manji pun baca so ingat nak beli yang tu je la. But takdir Allah menetukan segalanya (eceh macam jumpa jodoh pula) I bumped with a novel and novel tu jatuh. Aku pun tengok cover dia and the genre is somewhat thrill and ala-ala Mission Impossible pasal crime ,murder,kidnapping and stuff. Then aku terfikir why don't beli satu novel mamat yang bernama James Patterson ni. He is top-bestselling writer for thrill punya novel. Dipendekkan cerita at last I bought these two novels.

Private is somewhat an organisation which is similar to FBI and CIA but it just dont exixt in reality.

The second novel by Sophie Kinsella a Brits author, tengok cover pun dah tahu ceritanye girlish obviously right!?:

Nice cover. Qrang cakap dont judge a book by its cover but sorry dude I do haha.
After selesai beli novel dan my father had bought new books (self-enrichment I guess banyak jugakla but its okay because he loves to read books) aku pun pergila join my mother and 3 other siblings shopping and stuff. Laughters memang tak terhitung la but I kinda like the environment of the section of perfume and handbags sebab that section gives the customer full privacy to make up their own mind unlike macam dekat The Store I hate those aunties. Sebab contohnya aku pergi la section toiletries nak beli sabun yang memang dah fix brand and which scents yang aku nak. Then akan datang la makcik2 ( oftenly Chinese haha no offence) they say to me like this "adik beli la ini sabun manyak baguih oo adhe vitamin C bau pun wangi lorh" and some buat aku offended which I appreciated them so much. " adek beli ni untuk hilangkan jerawat and bla bla bla)" haaa tak ade la offended sangat pun its just that rasa hilang privacy thats all.

Instead of books my mother bermurah hati nak belanja my brothers and I a shirt but adik aku tak jumpa baju yang just right. Ada yang part body dah okay but lengan panjang la pendek la , hapa laa macam-macam. So mine, I 've got one nice shirt I love because its simple and wallah! This is the shirt.

Acaca macam Fred Perry punya shirt lol,

Right after that suddenly there wa an unfortunate things happened. Remember tujuan asal kami datang ke Penang ini? That aunty forgot to call my mom and when my ibu called her to reassure kedai aunty tu tutup pukul berapa she said pukul lima and at that right moment its almost 5. Hmm thanks aunty. Ape-ape pun last sekali sempat juga la ambil iron tu fiuhh! If not kesian parents aku nak kena patah balik Penang esok. As the conclusion even its just a simple family outing, the way we spent it together make it memorable , good enough be add up into family's sweet memory collection haha.That's all for this entry esok nak buat homework yang agak menimbun tu Insya Allah amin.Asslamualaikum.


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