MAHSA : A wish comes true?

Assalam and hai. So today's entry will be so damn ass long one. For some sorts of reason it has to be long if not mcm tk sampai cerita dia. Okay begini for those yg tahu and tak tahu I am a JPA sponsored student/scholar which bounded to India for Dentistry course. As for that, I was obliged to undergo A-level programme yada3. Fast forward to early 2017 around the end of January.

Masa tu semua yang lepas cut-off point kena pergi BTN as one of the syarat kalau nak fly. Akan tetapi...on the second day kot tak silap we got this one berita saying that we shall not fly to India HOHOHO! Masa tu sumpah rasa nak pack bag pastu balik rumah hahahaha. But since masa tu still lagi rumors, jadi mcm tak amik serious sgt la sbb nak tunggu official statement from JPA.

Fast forward lagi hari Jumaat which is the last day of the BTN tu, we had some sorts of JPA meeting la. And that is when the rumors is verified as true! 

Untuk memudahkan penerangan kronologi apa yang jadi maka I'll explain it in bullet form:

We can't fly (to India) because:

  • *India has changed their administration head, and their new PM is like mcm so protective akan hak rakyat India.

  • *Maka dengan itu, pendek cerita the Supreme Court of India (SCI) putuskan bahawa any students that wish to enrol in MBBS (Medicine) and BDS (Dentistry) in any of their universities must take an entrance exam.

  • *The exam is known as National Eligibility and Entrance Test aka NEET).

  • *However to take this exam one must be a citizen of India or has an address living in  India and has telephone number.

  • *Besides, to prepare for the exam umpama mcm take a whole new foundation  studies and their syllabus are different from our Cambridge A-level (ceh our 😂).

  • *And the facilities utk prepare for the exam is only open for their citizen.

  • *Hence setelah difikirkan elok2 oleh JPA maka they think it is best if we pursue our  studies local, in Malaysia.

  •  *And it turns out that university is MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus  (SPC)

Okay maybe ramai yg mcm "asl tak fight doe?" (kalau tk fikir mcm tu pun iyakan je!). But we did our best in fighting for our rights. JPA ada terangkan they also have done their best mcm fikir alternative negara lain like: 

Jordan                  : Kena belajar Arab and it will be difficult for our non-Muslims friends.
Egypt                    : They say faktor keselematan.
Indonesia              : Kena belajar Bahasa Indonesia pulak.
Australia               : Cost 
Twinning Ireland   : Cost

So yeah then some of us suggested to fight for our place in local uni mcm UM,UKM and so on. Personally I'm not a big fan of this suggestion ada la sebab2 aku sendiri and aku rasa reasons aku mcm remeh jugak ah ahahahaha.

Hence, we end up having only one choice je hehe. Before terlupa, our seniors yg dah fly supposedly kena balik and start all over from square one. Tapi sbb rezeki dorng utk stay dkt sana, the MY Gov plead the (SCI) to favour for their case. And the court exempted them from taking the exam. Yeayy for them.

Ok here is my story. Flashback when I was a little kid, I think I saw MAHSA advertisement everywhere in the newspapers, television and  billboards as well. So kebetulan masa tu nak jadi medical doctor (masa tu la) so I've once told my parents this.

"Nanti nak masuk MAHSA la"

Betul la org ckp, kata-kata tu doa. I had never expect Allah to answer my (that) very one prayer this way. Life is unexpected isn't it? And so therefore it is beautiful. At first mmg rasa frustrated, marah dkt semua pihak. I even felt soo rendah diri,malu and for some reason bersalah bila dpt tahu tk dpt fly tu.

But when I think again,what do I get from giving out all of those negative vibes? Lagi depressed ada la. Better accept the path and fate yg Allah dh sediakan dengan redha and always believe that it is the best for myself at least.

When I was small (again 😅😂) I used to hold this one principle.

"Always look for 'hikmah' behind everything that happened be it good and (especially if it's) bad" 

I don't know when I started to give that principle up. Maybe because growing up is so challenging kot (haha acah gila).

So yeah, verdictnya di sini, I will be pursuing my studies in MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus, in Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) for 5 freakin years yeayy! Nanti bila aku dh year 4/5 you guys can be my experimental patients ahaha jk.

Last but not least sepanjang benda ni jadi I had this one quote lingering in my mind:

"Never put a question mark, to Allah's full stop."

See ya in the next post and Ramadhan Kareem!

Signing out,

Buying Apple Products Online (with cheaper price tags!!!)

Assalam and hye! We meet again. So, for this entry I want to share about my experience getting myself a Macbook Pro online. So before anything else, my MBP is the 2015 version and not the latest model for some reason that I'll explain later in this entry. Okay, jadinya, when I got my salary I already calculated everything, I mean the price and all. I even compared the prices and compare which Macbook is the one I should pick. 

At first I just wanted to get a Macbook Air as it is obviously much cheaper and I am not a graphic design student. Thus, Macbook Air would be more than enough for me. After thinking betul2 I think I want MBP because its spec is much more up-to-date and the screen display is really eye-popping as well. I didn't get the latest version because

1) It has only 4 USB-Type C ports which requires me to buy adapters kalau nak guna USB biasa, VGA and SD-Card jadinya sooooo inconvenient.

2) No more MagSafe =(

3) No more extensions cable, kalau nak kena beli (duit lagi).

4) And with all of the above flaws harga dia still lagi mahal and and and RESOLUTION SCREEN DIA SAMA JE MCM YG 2015 MODEL.

So why bother beli yg latest model kalau more inconvenient tpi lagi mahal an?

Apple products are really pricey so therefore I Googled and found out that they offer student discount! You could save up to RM300, which for me, it is a lot of money.As for that I would really love to share with you guys on how to benefit from the Apple K-12 Student Discount.

Pictures below are the price comparison of the retail price vs student price of the same model.

This is the price of 256gb MBP retail price

This is the price of same spec with Student Price =)

You could only benefit the student discount only if you buy it online from the Apple Store. Just Google Apple student discount Malaysia, then you should go to this page(below). Makesure that you are on the right page, kalau tak, tk dapek la discount. Hoho. Ok so for student discount ni, tak semua products are eligible. iPhone and Apple Watch are not included for the student discount.

Make sure dekat atas ada tulis Education Store Home [blue box]

So after arrived at the page, just scroll and you shall see choices of product that you wanna buy.

Quite a number of choices jugak. Ikut la teringin yang mana and ikut bajet jugak. So untuk contoh, kita amik MBP sebab I bought MBP hehe.

So just click dekat MBP the you will go to this page, 

So just follow the steps and mind as well to login with your Apple ID (if you have one already) because it will make things easier.

Ok first you'll arrive at the page where you can customise your desired Macbook, nak upgrade any spec better masa nk beli sbb kalau nak upgrade lepas beli akan jdi lagi mahal. So as for my MBP, aku upgrade the SSD only, I pick 256gb as per advised by the reviewers and those yg dah guna MBP ni. 

Ok right after dh settle pilih spec mana yg nak just click the "Add to Bag" button yg biru tu. After that you gonna arrive here. Review your order make sure your order is correct and kalau nak tmbh gift wrap ke apa ke boleh tmbh masa masa review order ni. Keep in mind kalau tmbh gift wrap ni makin lamaa la nak smpai dkt tgn barang korng tu. Hehe and tk silap gift wrap dia mcm reasonable la jugak dlm RM19.00. Ok la kan?

Okay after tekan checkout tu dia akan suruh login Apple ID or kalau tak ada you can check out as a guest. No problem at all.

Okayy settle login Apple ID dia akan mintak details like address recipient's name and payment option. Untuk Malaysia ada option untuk debit/credit card sahaja. 

And about payment make sure before korang beli tu korng dah tukar limit debit card koorng. By default or masa set card baru the limit is only RM1000 so nnti kalau checkout error akan appears. Masa aku nak beli dulu jdi mcm tu then I call CIMB Bank and they help me out and everything is fine back again.

So just proceed to payment and all. And kalau tak ada masalah just tunggu je barang korng sampai yeayyy!! 

Shipping biasanya Apple guna DHL or UPS tapi haritu DHL yg hantar so yeah. Jgn risau DHL ok je ada tracking and all so security assured.

So mcm dlm seminggu lebih mcm tu barang pun sampai. I was so damn excited deyyy! Ahahahah!

With those pictures, I shall end this entry. It was a really pleasant experience yet torturing experience buying from Apple Store. Pleasant sbb harga murah from retail stores. Torturing sebab penantian itu suatu penyiksaan ahahahah!

Okay bye, Assalamualaikum =)

Wafiy kau kerja apa?

Assalam and hai. So as for today's entry I would love to share about what I do to fill up my free time during holidays. Like I am currently on holiday until idk, September kot. So meanwhile alangkah elok nya kalau kerja kan? Macam dapat duit, dapat belajar erti hidup yg sebenarnya. Unfortunately, every time aku tanya ayah aku boleh tk nak mintak kerja dkt AEON ke mana ke, he would always decline it. Entah la sejak dari cuti SPM lagi, masa 2015 hritu ayah tk bagi kerja.

So masa cuti SPM hritu sedeh ah. Sedih dia pasal BANYAK barang teringin nk beli tapi tak ada duit. And my parents is  jenis yang macam "you want it, work for it". Tapi dah nk kerja dkt luar tk boleh how am I suppose to get money kan? Thanks to nowadays information technology, one day aku Google la mana tahu ada kerja dari rumah ke apa ke kan?

So dipendekkan cerita aku jumpa satu websites nama dia Tapi aku rasa dia dah tukar nama kot sekarang. Kena la bayar fee dalam RM50. So pendekkan cerita lagi. I didn't get any job. Sedih gila ahahahhaa. Then I go to And that is when my career truly embarks (ecehhh). But before I go further, apa sebenarnya nama kerja aku ni? As far as I know it is known as 'freelancer'. You work independently from your house. Client give you task-you get it done-they happy-you get paid. Easy money. (Not really).

My first ever freelancing job was really simple. It is converting PDF to MS Office doc. I got invited for the job in Simple tahi kan?Like buat online pun boleh. Tapi idk la maybe the client just testing me ke apa. My first client is from Florida, US. And yes I am usually paid in USD. The best part is bila dollar mahal, convert duit Malaysia perghhh ahahaha. So with first client ni banyak jugak project done dgn dia. Mula-mula dapat dlm $15-$30 mcm tu je. Lama-lama collectively cecah la $100++ kot. Alhamdulillah. Actually masa dkt KTT pun aku still buat kerja (data entry). Tapi kejap je sbb ada pre AS kot masa tu so gotta focus maynnn.

Sepanjang jadi freelancer ni aku pernah kerja dengan dua client je. First pak cik Bob yg from US tdi (serious dia suruh panggil dia Bob) and second client is from a company, Linguistix Tank. Linguistix Tank ni based in Toronto, Canada. As the name of their company is self-explainatory, company ni do translation, transcription and many more la yang berkaitan dengan linguistic field. So dengan company ni aku kerja as transcriber. First start masa November mcm tu kot lepas habis A-Level. 

Kerja dengan company tu by contract. Kadang2 dua minggu,at most 1 month kalau ambil kira setakat ni la. 

Transcriber ni kerja dia kita dengar mcm short audio in Malay lepas tu type balik with certain format. Selalunya source audio tu daripada 'Ok Google', 'Google Now keyboard' dengan voice note What'sApp. Tpi yg voice note ws tu jarang a. Pernah sekali aku dapat voice note laki marah bini dia. I was like WTF?!🌚🌚🌚 Drama gila seh.

Second contract job dengan company tu masa bulan March haritu. At first aku still start as transcriber lgi. Then masa tengah2 bulan tu tiba2 aku got promoted jdi reviewer. Which is kerja dia check quality kerja transcriber yg amatlah berganda senang. Plus payment dia lagi berbaloi. Kalau macam transcriber we got paid $0.03/utt audio. Kalau as reviewer we got paid by hour. $12.5/hour and max 7 hours je sehari. So aku masa jadi transcriber, paling max pun mampu buat 1000 utt sehari, (itupun macam apa dah makan ke mana, mmg tak ada life LOL). So from that pandai2 la kira. Jauh lgi berbaloi payment utk reviewer kan?

Tapi jadi reviewer pun ada cabaran dia. Kalau mcm tersalah check silap hari bulan kena maki dengan transcriber. Aku kena masa mula2 jadi reviewer. Kena maki dgn sorang mak cik. Oh my! Stress gila hari tu. Dah la kena maki masa birthday. WTF gila. Tapi tak apa, dari situ aku belajar dari kesilapan adn also belajar macam mana nak hadap species macam mak cik tu. Ini baru kena maki dekat skype belum face to face lagi kan?

Jadi freelancer ni kita kena betul2 jaga quality kerja, professionalism and discipline. Jaga tiga tu insya Allah client akan bagi lagi job. Itu yg best sbb tak payah cari dah macam dulu. Huhu. 

Payment pulak usually through PayPal. Dari PayPal tu pun actually nak shopping pun dah boleh dah. Banyak je websites terima PayPal. Tapi kalau nak juga duit tu masuk bank, boleh je transfer nnti dia convert jdi RM. Tapi kena tengok2 la jugak conversion rate. Dulu murah je dlm 3.85 mcm tu kot. Sekarang hoho 4.3,4.29 haritu 4.4 pun ada. 

From freelancing job ni (dengan izin Allah), Alhamdulillah la I got to buy my dream phone and laptop and backpack and first ever kpop album (luls) ahahahahahahhaha. So happy and wanna keraii so hard.😭😭😭

So verdict:

What I like about freelancing job:

-Masyuk (USD kot)😌😌
-Selalunya kerja dia mudah
 (actually banyak freelancing ni job scope dia diverse gila, Google la!)
-Waktu kerja suka hati kau, asalkan submit before or on deadline, nak tido lepas subuh, pun tkde hal.(jgn ikut ok)
-Jarang la kena marah ke apa ke so best la.
-Make new friends with various backgrounds.

What I kinda don't like about freelancing job:

-Bile client kedekut.

-Bila client bayar lambat.
-Bila kerja banyak tpi time frame pendek gila. Ini boleh buat meroyan serious!
-Tak banyak bergerak so tk berapa nak membantu dalam penurunan berat badan.😑😑😑

Okayy that's it. Actually banyak gila lagi nak share psl freelancing job ni macam website mana lagi ada offer kerja macam ni. Macam mana nak apply and all. Tapi nanti berjela la pulak entry ni. So takat ni ja la noh!

Yours truly,


A-Level Journey [Part 2]

'Assalam and hye' we meet again in the Part 2. Ok now I want to share about my experience in the A2 phase. Not necessarily a pleasant one I'd say haha. So sekarang imagine, 1.5 years is equal to 18 months. We had our AS exams on May/June, and we were going to sit for A2 exam on freakin Oct/Nov. So on August masa AS results released, how many months left before A2? Less than 3 months! So panic la apa lagi!

Ok tak, tu acah saja.Tapi bayangkanlah syllabus yg panjang tu nak dihabiskan dalam masa yg singkat. Memang super intense la cerita dia. Semua lecturer rushing habes mmg go through je la cite dia except for Sir Zaini.  Because he believes that, even though ajar laju2 but students do not understand, that would be rather for him, counterproductive. Jadi Sir Zaini uses another approach which is increasing the contact time with students. Almost every night ada kelas weh!Tipu la kalau cakap tak letih. Tapi hadap je la demi masa depan yang gemilang. Haha!

Chem,Maths semua la, serious stress.Masa A2 la yang rasa macam paling URGH!!! Tapi Alhamdulillah, sebagai orang Islam kita ada Allah S.W.T maka takde la rasa mcm nk suicide ke apa an. Yes it is really intense, and kadang2, aku la jadi macam rebel tak nak study.Haha. Dia jadi mcm ah lantak kau, go die! (Emosi gila haha).

So untuk A2 kita ada:

-Paper 4 
Structured questions yang sangat la panjang dan sangatlah abstract kdg2.

-Paper 5
Be worry not.Sbb paper 5 ni serious kacang and senang gila lah nak score. However dia kena hati2.Because there's only two outcomes, you make it or you break it. There's none in between. Seram an

Essay,kdg2 soalan dia best kdg2 soalan dia tahi

-Paper 5
Jarang gila bukak past year. Masa bengkel sedut je apa Mdm Atun ajar simpan dalam otak.

-Paper 3
Huh ini paper yang paaaaaaaaaliiingggggg siotttt! Serious susah nak mati. Kdg2 buat rasa mcm betul tetibe salah! Tak tahu nak gelak ke nak nangis. Masa A2 pulak soalan dia susah thp dewa petala infiniti kot. Well Maths is indeed not my forte' haha.

Paper ni kalau anda ambik.Anda wajib score kerana ia agak senang dan simple. Kdg2 working step cenonet. Dpt 3 markah. Indah kan dunia? Hahaha

Ok last psl chem. Ceritanya bermula lps dapat result AS. Dia akan ada raw marks so dari situ kami boleh set our own realistic or ambitious target for A2. Siapa yg dh score padu kau2 masa AS, masa A2 dia lek2 je la. Tapi masa AS chem susah gila. So raw marks aku tersagtlah rendah.

Setelah berfikir sejenak, dua jenak, tiga jenak, dan berjenak-jenak, aku pun rasa I just wanna abandon chemistry. Sacrifice la kira nya. Though rasa mcm bersalah and tak kena. Tapi terpaksa because chemistry A2 is beyond words challenging nya. Maka satu hari, aku terkantoi dgn Mdm Risha yang aku give up Chem. Dia check past year aku weiii! Mmg kosong la cerita dia. Rasa bersalah nak mati bila Mdm tnya, 

"Wafiy, you give up Chem eh?"

Nak jawab apa wei!!! Diam je la wuarghhh!! Tpi since then aku mcm try la nak study chem jugak tpi aku prioritize  subject lain dulu. Mcm masa nak dekat exam tu join la group study rumah bawah and sedut je la sebanyak mana yang boleh sedut.

Pre A2 mmg hancurrrrrrr tapi I dont give a damn pun sbb alah, pre je pun and mmg kena cepat move on la sbb A2 dh dkt gila. Aku mmg lagi suka nk move on menyampah tengok result sendiri.

So on the month of October bermula lah exam. Jadual A2 utk batch aku dia mcm tk padat sgt and tk free sgt. Kalau senior UK dulu, 2 minggu siap habes A2 diorang fuh! Dipendekkan cerita exam je la kan tawakkal and all.

Maths P3 mmg neraka habes, I didnt even finish all the questions haha! Mampos kau! Stats senang la jugak walaupun dia macam ada plot twist di sana dan di sini.

Chem huargghhh tu la org kata quitters never win. P4 dia senang nak mamposss! Tapi aku tak tau jawapan. Mmg mampu berhuhuhu je masa exam tu. Tapi itu la yang org kata gamble.So swallow your deicision lah!

Bio p4 mcm susah siket certain part but I love the essay part! Mmg aku muntah kau2 masa exam hritu.P5 dia pulak surprisingly senang! Mdm Atun senyum je masa tu haha!

Phy, both p4 dgn p5 dia moderate tak susah sgt tk senang sgt. Tapi pada aku p4 physics kalau kau tak buat past year bnyk2  mmg mcm terkial-kial sikitla.Sbb nk jwb soalan physics ni require handling skill.

A2 ni pendek sgt phase dia so mcm takde benda sgt nk cerita. Sbb mmg busy so masa berlalu dgn sungguh pantas. Tup2 dah dinner mcm eh? haha.

So before I end this entry would like to thank those yg bnyk membantu. First mcm biasa Allah, parents and lecturers. Then seniors Kak Mizah for her notes and motivation hoho. Alu 2, Fairuz (dia suruh aku mention nama dia ) sbb selalu bawak gi makan ahahhaa dgn pergi giant, Arif, Timah, Saqif,Iman,Qadim dan legend2 seperti Wala yg kalau boleh dia nak dpt 100% semua subject. Haha.

Ok takat tu jelah. Well my verdict is everything yg baru untuk diri kita kalau kita rasa susah its good because when we gets tougher to overcome those obstacles do know that we just got better than our old self.

I end this entry with a quote:

"Because the day was good, because the day was bad, and because the day was just fine. I loved every moment of it."

A-Level Journey [Part 1]

Wow, its been a while since the last post. Rasa mcm nk dekat 2 years kot.Busy gila kot (campur malas siket haha). A lot of things happened, but for today I would love to share with you guys about my A-level journey. Ok so for those yg dh baca previous punya posts, I am one of the JPA scholars for dentistry course. However to allow me enroll myself for BDS (Bachelor in Dental Surgery), JPA had drawn down few requirements to be fulfilled by my fellow batchmates and I, surely.

Yes it is to take up A-Level for 1.5 years and pass the cut off point which is 12 points. Maksudnya paling busuk pun kena dpt BBB, ABC or AAD or any combination possible lah. So as the A-level course is concerned, I was arranged by the JPA to study for Alevel course at Kolej Teknologi Timur, Sepang. It is just a tini tiny college neraby UniKL's MIAT. A lot of people would not know the existence of KTT unless they have friends or relatives that study there. Selain KTT ,banyak private colleges yang offer Alevel course ni. Among the renowned colleges are Taylor's University, KDU, Kolej Mara Seremban, UNITAR, KYUEM and banyak lagi tak terdaya nak list semua nya.

Dipendekkan cerita A-Level ni ada dua part which is AS (A level Subsidiary) and A2 the second part of the whole course.A level ni ada bnyk gila boards, tapi aku amik yg by The University of Cambridge punya.


The myths of Alevels among the SPM leavers was:

-"alah Alevel ni aku tengok mcm SPM je, exam-oriented"
-"SPM boleh A-level pun boleh, subject sama je, lagi sikit lagi ada  hahaha *gelak tk hengat dunia.

Well if it is myths mmg myths la kan cerita dia. Little did we know that A-level course ni hmm in two words I would describe it as LIVING HELL. Because you shall literally  lose your social life haha (over je senanya ni). But it is true especially when you are in the second part of the course, bak kata Sir Zaini, "A2 is at least 4 times harder than the AS's syllabus"
Well, mmg pun haha.

So let's begin with AS. So AS ni la yg mcm SPM tu, some part la, dia mcm iras2 SPM sikit. Kalau Bio and Chem you just go deeper and indulge yourself into the beauty of the knowledge. Kalau Maths utk AS ada la some part tu mcm lagi senang dri Add Maths while some part is much harder Astaghfirullah! (mechanics ayat mcm apa tah).

I am so glad that I was placed in ALL2, they are kind,sporting,friendly tpi bab studies mmg A+++ belajar dkt kelas tengok lek je. Results sekali kau letopss! Alhamdulillah. When you mingle yourself among these creme of the creme insya Allah kita pun akan jdi seperti mereka dan bukannya serdak bak kata Mdm Atun, LOL.

AS mcm okay je la Sem 1 aku melagha je kerja, past year buat nampak tak nampak je, tengok drama The Moon Embraces the Sun lah, main game la, keluar pgi IOI je keje.So mmg teroks siket la result utk Sem 1 tu haha. Masuk Sem 2 berubah la sikit, dh mcm kamcing la dgn past year, and I became more focused on studies. I took the real AS examination on the May/June session in 2016. 

Drama ni serious best. Aku smpai tido lmbt tngok cite ni. Dh dua kali tengok and still best! Highly recommended!

The results came out on the month of August. Nervous dia Tuhan je tahu. Sbb kalau tak pass kena repeat the whole subject woii! And while repeat tu kena belajar and study utk AS juga. Dia mcm double the hell, serious tak nak. Tapi Alhamdulillah dgn izin Allah and berkat usaha lecturer and bantuan kwn2 yang creme of the creme tak kira la kelas mana pun. I obtained this result for AS:

Masa dapat result ni aku lompat,jerit ha semua la aku buat sebab nervous gila masa nk check tu haha.

So dengan result sebegitu tak payah la nk repeat Alhamdulillah. It exceeds my expectation actually sbb AS Chem susah nak mati kot! Was expecting for a C dgn lab exam yang mcm tahapa hapa tah tu.Mmg redha habis la lps exam.

Oh lupa cara nak kira points utk A-Level ni mcm ni:

A= 5 points
B= 4 points
C= 3 points
D= 2 points
E= 1 point
F= tak dak point (mampu huhuhu je la)

So JPA dia amik kira 3 subject terbaik je so kire AS aku dpt 15 la. Alhamdulillah. Seronok punya pasal, malam tu juga aku dgn Saqif,Timah,Peah dgn Arep pgi IOI tngok Suicide Squad. It was a great night walaupun pendek je hangout tu.


Things that I kinda like about AS
-It's quite relatively easy (compared to A2) since most of the lessons dlm syllabus tu we are fimiliar with it.
-Relax tak gelabah ayam sangat sbb lecturer tak accelerate lagi.

Things I kinda hate about AS
-At the end of AS phase, lecturer dah mula ajar A2 syllabus sbb tak nak rush.Tapi3 bayangkan nak AS tapi tgh sibuk belajar A2.Mmg menguji minda sbb stress.A2 dh la susah nak mati. Ini semua sbb we are the accelerated program 1.5 years.

-I hate hate hate hate the Paper 1 and Paper 3 questions for the Science subjects(Phy,Chem,Bio).Sbb dia sgt lah tricky dan exam P3 tu anything could happen to you during the exam day. Mmg cemas jugak la.

Fuh, ni baru part AS belum A2 lagi, so I think I would settle here about the AS part.Untuk A2 aku cerita dkt Part 2 okay?

See you there in the Part 2!

Assalamualaikum =D

Into The New World

Assalam readers,Ya Allah lama gila tak update haha.Apabila kemalasan membelenggu diri maka tersadai la blog ni LOL!Actually laziness is not the main reason aku x update blog ni.Simply because I do have nothing that is blog-worthy utk dikongsi kan.Takkan la nak tulis bnde tahapa hapa plak kan?It must have content yg best umpama chocolate la kalau packaging je lawa tpi rasa hampeh dh tu mahal plak.Sakai tahap dewa nama nya tu!haha.(x fhm sudah ahahaha!)

K back to this very entry hehe I am really excited tahap cipan guling2 nak tulis entry ni because of the title itself pon dh best haha.(only a true SONE could tell why).Yg x tau tu ignore je la ye.


Pretty simple, tertiary education punya world lah apa lagi.Alhamdulillah aku dh lalui primary and seconary education system Malaysia yg sunggoh cemerlang sehingga melahirkan insan sperti aku hehe.Perlian or fakta pikiaq sendiri la noh.Im not going to do a degree yet awai lagi.Aku ni sebenarnya btol2 dkt dpn tombol pintu alam University.Because in less than 8 days I'll be pursuing my studies,Im taking Alevels.Ye Cambridge Alevels bukan Edexcel or whatever.Haaaa jgn igt nama Cambridge tu nak pegi UK ye, Im going to INDIA ok! let me spell it for you I.N.D.I.A.haha.Punya la harap nak pgi Australia dh berangan jumpa Mat Luthfi ok!Punah harapan dan anganku umpama kaca terhempas ke batu kah kah!(kemain peribahasa BM x A+ pon) LOL!Zzzaaaaappp~~~!

Pelik kn knapa dia suruh buat Alevels padahal India je pon.Hmmm entah la nak maybe sbb Im going to a private Uni kot like Manipal University kot thats why la dia mintak Alevels.Dh la x leh drop physics sedeh aku uwaaaa!!Haha ada la tu hikmahnya Insya Allah.Redha sajalah!Oh lupa nak habaq aku nnti sambung BDS (Bachelor in Dental Surgery)pendek kata Dentistry la.)


CLiche but yeah Im feeling excited for sure.Bnde baru of course la exciting kan tpi sbb lambat sgt masuk aku dh jdi rasa hambar dh mcm hmm lntak la.Org semua dh masuk Pasum la PALAM la ,dh settle down semua.Aku masih menanam anggur di bilik kah kah!I dont know what to expect from my Alevels journey.Sesungguhnya kolej aku tak la segah seglamour Taylors College or KYUEM biase shj.Rumah kedai je ok! Sedeh aku uwaaaaaa!!!Haha tpi naseb la dkt Sepang so mcm ok la.Nama kolej aku tu Kolej Teknologi Timur (KTT)Tpi top jgak la candidates dia.Top of the world baq hang!!!haha.Conclusion dia aku redha je la and optimis kan diri la apa lagi.Kalau kita positif bnde susah pon nmpk senang.Drpd aku whining and keep being a pessimist baik la aku redah je semua bnda dgn gumbira.Like always haha!

Nothing much ada la sedikit reading and tanya Abam Farid.Dia dulu blaja dkt KTT jugak.Aku ni kira penyambung warisan SESTA la dkt situ LOL!Kemain lagi,abg fareed kata best je ktt tu.Banyak jugak la tips and cheat sheet yg dia bagi for survival in KTT tu.What else ?X de bnde sgt pon nk prepare ready otak je la.For sure nnti aku akan rasa terkejut and seteressss sbb dh lupa la segala bnda yg blaja masa SPM dulu.Tiba masa nak menyeru balik segala formulae,facts and concepts yg dh dihadam dulu.Smoga igt la kalau lupa jeng4 petanda x berkat OMG!Harap x la.

Ok I certainly believe that Im not the only one yg melangkah masuk ke dunia baru ni.Hundreds of thaousands yg sama umur dgn aku pon melangkah ke dunia yg sama.Some masuk matriculation,PASUM,PALAM,ASPi(UKM),CFS(IIUM) and many more Alevels la Ausmat la apa la,foundation studies la mcm2 la kemain semua haha.Numerous path diverged  us all from each other.Hope kita semua lalui path yg kita plih tu  dgn niat yg sama which is Lillahita'ala.Igt yg tu Insya Allah tenang.And one more thing,my father would always repeat this to me and my siblings.

"Kejayaan dalam exam,dpt kerja,pointer gempak,fly awal dpt scholarship(pendek kata rezeki)  itu semua drpd Allah S.W.T.Dia yg memberikan kita semua yg kita hajatkan.Bukan USAHA kita.Our efforts is just as ASBAB (reason) utk melayakkan kita dpt apa yg kita hajatkan"

Aku suka igt kata2 ni.It makes me feel calm bila aku risau psl exam ke apa ke.Sumpah la korng tanam bnde ni dlm hati.Korang akan chill je.Even kalau gagal pon korang akan chill.And lagi satu dh tau rezeki tu Allah yg bagi apa lagi x reti2 nk dekatkan diri dgn Allah.Macam kita dgn manusia la kalau kita nak pau Maggi kwn takkan kita nak buat bnde yg kwn kita x suka like kutuk dia.Kiamatla kau nk dpt maggie dia kaki je la yg kau dpt.

Tu je la kot harap bermanfaatla entry kali ni.Though not much I hope dpt la sedikit memberi faedah kpd yg membaca.Do pray for my excellence in future.Insya Allah kita sama2 berjaya di dunia dan yg paling penting akhirat.Amin!

JPA-MARA Scholarship Interview 2015 [BELATED PUNYA ENTRY]

Assalamualaikum and greetings semua!Lama tak update blog hehe sebab tak ada material or subject yg bagus untuk dikongsikan.Nanti kalau aku main tulis je,rubbish pulak jadinya.Haha so back to my initial intention of writing this entry,last Friday I had this somewhat like a interview or assessment.But before I go further biar aku bagi muqadimah dulu ye pasal scholarship ni mana tahu boleh jadi guidance utk adik2 di masa hadapan *ok geli.LOL!

Ok JPA-MARA ni sebenarnya mcm program kerjasama antara MARA and JPA ,obviously lah kan.How this 'program khas' works is MARA akan jadi tukang pilih candidates for the earlier stage.Then the scholars have been chosen,diorang akan jadi scholar JPA not MARA.So faham kan?MARA pilih org ,JPA bagi duit.Kalau x faham pun x pe dia tak tanya pun masa interview nnti.

Kalau org lain mengharapkan biasiswa Yayasan Khazanah,Bank Negara Malaysia,Yayasan UEM la Yayasan Bina Diri la,Yayasan Kau Bayar Sendiri la apa la ahaha!Merepek!Aku pulak sangat mengaharapkan JPA-MARA ni sebabnya,I want to pursue my studies in Dentistry,yet x banyak scholarship yg offer termasuklah yg yayasan2 di atas sedih ok!Untungnya kepada budak yg minat engineering they got like dozens no,countless scholarship for them.Business,accountancy pon boleh tahan banyak dia.Rezeki la kan.Che redha je dgn hanya satu scholarship yg offer course yg diinginkan hahah!At first aku mcm eager nak apply semua scholasrship.Tpi aku fikir balik kalau aku apply semua ni aku buknnya nk ambik pon sbb field dia aku x minat.Second if JPA-MARA x dpt tetibe yg lain tu dpt aku takut nnti aku jadi confuse yg pilih field yg aku tak minat.Kesannya? Destruction of life la!!Third nak apply scholarship yg yayasan2 di atas tu sgt la leceh dan menyusahkan mcm x nk bagi so malas nk pecah otak tulis essay yg aku isi dgn KE-gebang-AN semata2 hahahah!

Ok cukup kot for the introduction.Kembali kepada cerita SAC kita.Aku dapat sesi pagi which starts around 8 and ends like exactly 12 noon.Naseb hari jumaat makanya dia tak boleh nak drag lebih2 LOL!Oh lupa SAC aku kali ni dia buat dkt International Baccalaureate Complex,MCKK.Senang je nk cari.Ok sampai je naik tingkat atas daftar dia bagi tag.Lps tu kena bagi semua documents yg dia nak sgt simple dan mudah.K lepas tu dia pecah2 lagi kumpulan aku dpt Kelompok 1 kumpulan 1.Tag warna biru.Nasib baiknya aku dapat satu group dgn Ariessa ( he's a boy)so mcm x de la being as a total stranger dkt situ.Group aku ada 3 girls and around 5 boys mcm tu.Lps dpt group tu dia suruh la buat cheers.Dah malas sgt nk fikir group kami buat mcm ni cheers dia: 'SA,sa TU,tu ,SATU!" we did literally spell the word satu sbb dh x de idea.Hahaha!Tak penting pun cheers tu.

After that fasci tu bagi la no bilik utk assessment.Group aku start dgn BM punya session dulu.Masuk then dia bagi soalan.Under the topic of Industri Perfileman Malaysia Pada Masa Hadapan.Bincang2 pastu present.Dh habes move on to Eng session pulak which my favourite.Don't get me wrong bukan sbb dia dlm BI tpi sbb tajuk dia simple,and panel dia best!Yang BM panel dia serious je stress aku haha!Well dalam eng session ni no Malay Language la for sure.So some would hardly speaks but I'm glad they tried their very best utk bagi idea.Thumbs up!!And aku jdi dictionary kjp lah dekat situ haha.Bukan nnya sbb apa pun,sbb dioarang lupa apa words yg diorang nk ckp  so aku bagi je la words tu apa.Tak kesah pon aku suka!=D.Mcm BM tadi discuss, present.Tpi BI punya lepas habes,panel kami borak2 pasal life dkt university nnti which is so awsome dh la klakar haha!Mcm cg2 best sgt.

Banyak jugak la advice yang panel tu bagi contohnya dia kata "nak masuk Uni kena pandai tapi nak grad from Uni kena cerdik"Well cerdik and pandai is two different thing.Pandai tu acdemically la while cerdik is soft skills the way you handle challenges ahead.Lepas tu rsuhing balik sbb nya ayah aku sekolah petang,x sempat nk bye bye TBZ yg pergi skali dh la Jumaat masa tu so agak rushing la.

That's it aku rasa maaf berterabur sana sini sbb banyak gillos nak crita tak mampu nak tulis semua satgi hampa pulak bosan LOL!!!Hopefully adik2 yg akan ada SAC next year dpt la sesuatu from my entry ni.

So long,Assalamualaikum =D