MAHSA : A wish comes true?

Assalam and hai. So today's entry will be so damn ass long one. For some sorts of reason it has to be long if not mcm tk sampai cerita dia. Okay begini for those yg tahu and tak tahu I am a JPA sponsored student/scholar which bounded to India for Dentistry course. As for that, I was obliged to undergo A-level programme yada3. Fast forward to early 2017 around the end of January.

Masa tu semua yang lepas cut-off point kena pergi BTN as one of the syarat kalau nak fly. Akan tetapi...on the second day kot tak silap we got this one berita saying that we shall not fly to India HOHOHO! Masa tu sumpah rasa nak pack bag pastu balik rumah hahahaha. But since masa tu still lagi rumors, jadi mcm tak amik serious sgt la sbb nak tunggu official statement from JPA.

Fast forward lagi hari Jumaat which is the last day of the BTN tu, we had some sorts of JPA meeting la. And that is when the rumors is verified as true! 

Untuk memudahkan penerangan kronologi apa yang jadi maka I'll explain it in bullet form:

We can't fly (to India) because:

  • *India has changed their administration head, and their new PM is like mcm so protective akan hak rakyat India.

  • *Maka dengan itu, pendek cerita the Supreme Court of India (SCI) putuskan bahawa any students that wish to enrol in MBBS (Medicine) and BDS (Dentistry) in any of their universities must take an entrance exam.

  • *The exam is known as National Eligibility and Entrance Test aka NEET).

  • *However to take this exam one must be a citizen of India or has an address living in  India and has telephone number.

  • *Besides, to prepare for the exam umpama mcm take a whole new foundation  studies and their syllabus are different from our Cambridge A-level (ceh our 😂).

  • *And the facilities utk prepare for the exam is only open for their citizen.

  • *Hence setelah difikirkan elok2 oleh JPA maka they think it is best if we pursue our  studies local, in Malaysia.

  •  *And it turns out that university is MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus  (SPC)

Okay maybe ramai yg mcm "asl tak fight doe?" (kalau tk fikir mcm tu pun iyakan je!). But we did our best in fighting for our rights. JPA ada terangkan they also have done their best mcm fikir alternative negara lain like: 

Jordan                  : Kena belajar Arab and it will be difficult for our non-Muslims friends.
Egypt                    : They say faktor keselematan.
Indonesia              : Kena belajar Bahasa Indonesia pulak.
Australia               : Cost 
Twinning Ireland   : Cost

So yeah then some of us suggested to fight for our place in local uni mcm UM,UKM and so on. Personally I'm not a big fan of this suggestion ada la sebab2 aku sendiri and aku rasa reasons aku mcm remeh jugak ah ahahahaha.

Hence, we end up having only one choice je hehe. Before terlupa, our seniors yg dah fly supposedly kena balik and start all over from square one. Tapi sbb rezeki dorng utk stay dkt sana, the MY Gov plead the (SCI) to favour for their case. And the court exempted them from taking the exam. Yeayy for them.

Ok here is my story. Flashback when I was a little kid, I think I saw MAHSA advertisement everywhere in the newspapers, television and  billboards as well. So kebetulan masa tu nak jadi medical doctor (masa tu la) so I've once told my parents this.

"Nanti nak masuk MAHSA la"

Betul la org ckp, kata-kata tu doa. I had never expect Allah to answer my (that) very one prayer this way. Life is unexpected isn't it? And so therefore it is beautiful. At first mmg rasa frustrated, marah dkt semua pihak. I even felt soo rendah diri,malu and for some reason bersalah bila dpt tahu tk dpt fly tu.

But when I think again,what do I get from giving out all of those negative vibes? Lagi depressed ada la. Better accept the path and fate yg Allah dh sediakan dengan redha and always believe that it is the best for myself at least.

When I was small (again 😅😂) I used to hold this one principle.

"Always look for 'hikmah' behind everything that happened be it good and (especially if it's) bad" 

I don't know when I started to give that principle up. Maybe because growing up is so challenging kot (haha acah gila).

So yeah, verdictnya di sini, I will be pursuing my studies in MAHSA University, Bandar Saujana Putra Campus, in Doctor of Dental Surgery (DDS) for 5 freakin years yeayy! Nanti bila aku dh year 4/5 you guys can be my experimental patients ahaha jk.

Last but not least sepanjang benda ni jadi I had this one quote lingering in my mind:

"Never put a question mark, to Allah's full stop."

See ya in the next post and Ramadhan Kareem!

Signing out,


Anonymous said...

Be strong...

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