Buying Apple Products Online (with cheaper price tags!!!)

Assalam and hye! We meet again. So, for this entry I want to share about my experience getting myself a Macbook Pro online. So before anything else, my MBP is the 2015 version and not the latest model for some reason that I'll explain later in this entry. Okay, jadinya, when I got my salary I already calculated everything, I mean the price and all. I even compared the prices and compare which Macbook is the one I should pick. 

At first I just wanted to get a Macbook Air as it is obviously much cheaper and I am not a graphic design student. Thus, Macbook Air would be more than enough for me. After thinking betul2 I think I want MBP because its spec is much more up-to-date and the screen display is really eye-popping as well. I didn't get the latest version because

1) It has only 4 USB-Type C ports which requires me to buy adapters kalau nak guna USB biasa, VGA and SD-Card jadinya sooooo inconvenient.

2) No more MagSafe =(

3) No more extensions cable, kalau nak kena beli (duit lagi).

4) And with all of the above flaws harga dia still lagi mahal and and and RESOLUTION SCREEN DIA SAMA JE MCM YG 2015 MODEL.

So why bother beli yg latest model kalau more inconvenient tpi lagi mahal an?

Apple products are really pricey so therefore I Googled and found out that they offer student discount! You could save up to RM300, which for me, it is a lot of money.As for that I would really love to share with you guys on how to benefit from the Apple K-12 Student Discount.

Pictures below are the price comparison of the retail price vs student price of the same model.

This is the price of 256gb MBP retail price

This is the price of same spec with Student Price =)

You could only benefit the student discount only if you buy it online from the Apple Store. Just Google Apple student discount Malaysia, then you should go to this page(below). Makesure that you are on the right page, kalau tak, tk dapek la discount. Hoho. Ok so for student discount ni, tak semua products are eligible. iPhone and Apple Watch are not included for the student discount.

Make sure dekat atas ada tulis Education Store Home [blue box]

So after arrived at the page, just scroll and you shall see choices of product that you wanna buy.

Quite a number of choices jugak. Ikut la teringin yang mana and ikut bajet jugak. So untuk contoh, kita amik MBP sebab I bought MBP hehe.

So just click dekat MBP the you will go to this page, 

So just follow the steps and mind as well to login with your Apple ID (if you have one already) because it will make things easier.

Ok first you'll arrive at the page where you can customise your desired Macbook, nak upgrade any spec better masa nk beli sbb kalau nak upgrade lepas beli akan jdi lagi mahal. So as for my MBP, aku upgrade the SSD only, I pick 256gb as per advised by the reviewers and those yg dah guna MBP ni. 

Ok right after dh settle pilih spec mana yg nak just click the "Add to Bag" button yg biru tu. After that you gonna arrive here. Review your order make sure your order is correct and kalau nak tmbh gift wrap ke apa ke boleh tmbh masa masa review order ni. Keep in mind kalau tmbh gift wrap ni makin lamaa la nak smpai dkt tgn barang korng tu. Hehe and tk silap gift wrap dia mcm reasonable la jugak dlm RM19.00. Ok la kan?

Okay after tekan checkout tu dia akan suruh login Apple ID or kalau tak ada you can check out as a guest. No problem at all.

Okayy settle login Apple ID dia akan mintak details like address recipient's name and payment option. Untuk Malaysia ada option untuk debit/credit card sahaja. 

And about payment make sure before korang beli tu korng dah tukar limit debit card koorng. By default or masa set card baru the limit is only RM1000 so nnti kalau checkout error akan appears. Masa aku nak beli dulu jdi mcm tu then I call CIMB Bank and they help me out and everything is fine back again.

So just proceed to payment and all. And kalau tak ada masalah just tunggu je barang korng sampai yeayyy!! 

Shipping biasanya Apple guna DHL or UPS tapi haritu DHL yg hantar so yeah. Jgn risau DHL ok je ada tracking and all so security assured.

So mcm dlm seminggu lebih mcm tu barang pun sampai. I was so damn excited deyyy! Ahahahah!

With those pictures, I shall end this entry. It was a really pleasant experience yet torturing experience buying from Apple Store. Pleasant sbb harga murah from retail stores. Torturing sebab penantian itu suatu penyiksaan ahahahah!

Okay bye, Assalamualaikum =)


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