A-Level Journey [Part 1]

Wow, its been a while since the last post. Rasa mcm nk dekat 2 years kot.Busy gila kot (campur malas siket haha). A lot of things happened, but for today I would love to share with you guys about my A-level journey. Ok so for those yg dh baca previous punya posts, I am one of the JPA scholars for dentistry course. However to allow me enroll myself for BDS (Bachelor in Dental Surgery), JPA had drawn down few requirements to be fulfilled by my fellow batchmates and I, surely.

Yes it is to take up A-Level for 1.5 years and pass the cut off point which is 12 points. Maksudnya paling busuk pun kena dpt BBB, ABC or AAD or any combination possible lah. So as the A-level course is concerned, I was arranged by the JPA to study for Alevel course at Kolej Teknologi Timur, Sepang. It is just a tini tiny college neraby UniKL's MIAT. A lot of people would not know the existence of KTT unless they have friends or relatives that study there. Selain KTT ,banyak private colleges yang offer Alevel course ni. Among the renowned colleges are Taylor's University, KDU, Kolej Mara Seremban, UNITAR, KYUEM and banyak lagi tak terdaya nak list semua nya.

Dipendekkan cerita A-Level ni ada dua part which is AS (A level Subsidiary) and A2 the second part of the whole course.A level ni ada bnyk gila boards, tapi aku amik yg by The University of Cambridge punya.


The myths of Alevels among the SPM leavers was:

-"alah Alevel ni aku tengok mcm SPM je, exam-oriented"
-"SPM boleh A-level pun boleh, subject sama je, lagi sikit lagi ada  hahaha *gelak tk hengat dunia.

Well if it is myths mmg myths la kan cerita dia. Little did we know that A-level course ni hmm in two words I would describe it as LIVING HELL. Because you shall literally  lose your social life haha (over je senanya ni). But it is true especially when you are in the second part of the course, bak kata Sir Zaini, "A2 is at least 4 times harder than the AS's syllabus"
Well, mmg pun haha.

So let's begin with AS. So AS ni la yg mcm SPM tu, some part la, dia mcm iras2 SPM sikit. Kalau Bio and Chem you just go deeper and indulge yourself into the beauty of the knowledge. Kalau Maths utk AS ada la some part tu mcm lagi senang dri Add Maths while some part is much harder Astaghfirullah! (mechanics ayat mcm apa tah).

I am so glad that I was placed in ALL2, they are kind,sporting,friendly tpi bab studies mmg A+++ belajar dkt kelas tengok lek je. Results sekali kau letopss! Alhamdulillah. When you mingle yourself among these creme of the creme insya Allah kita pun akan jdi seperti mereka dan bukannya serdak bak kata Mdm Atun, LOL.

AS mcm okay je la Sem 1 aku melagha je kerja, past year buat nampak tak nampak je, tengok drama The Moon Embraces the Sun lah, main game la, keluar pgi IOI je keje.So mmg teroks siket la result utk Sem 1 tu haha. Masuk Sem 2 berubah la sikit, dh mcm kamcing la dgn past year, and I became more focused on studies. I took the real AS examination on the May/June session in 2016. 

Drama ni serious best. Aku smpai tido lmbt tngok cite ni. Dh dua kali tengok and still best! Highly recommended!

The results came out on the month of August. Nervous dia Tuhan je tahu. Sbb kalau tak pass kena repeat the whole subject woii! And while repeat tu kena belajar and study utk AS juga. Dia mcm double the hell, serious tak nak. Tapi Alhamdulillah dgn izin Allah and berkat usaha lecturer and bantuan kwn2 yang creme of the creme tak kira la kelas mana pun. I obtained this result for AS:

Masa dapat result ni aku lompat,jerit ha semua la aku buat sebab nervous gila masa nk check tu haha.

So dengan result sebegitu tak payah la nk repeat Alhamdulillah. It exceeds my expectation actually sbb AS Chem susah nak mati kot! Was expecting for a C dgn lab exam yang mcm tahapa hapa tah tu.Mmg redha habis la lps exam.

Oh lupa cara nak kira points utk A-Level ni mcm ni:

A= 5 points
B= 4 points
C= 3 points
D= 2 points
E= 1 point
F= tak dak point (mampu huhuhu je la)

So JPA dia amik kira 3 subject terbaik je so kire AS aku dpt 15 la. Alhamdulillah. Seronok punya pasal, malam tu juga aku dgn Saqif,Timah,Peah dgn Arep pgi IOI tngok Suicide Squad. It was a great night walaupun pendek je hangout tu.


Things that I kinda like about AS
-It's quite relatively easy (compared to A2) since most of the lessons dlm syllabus tu we are fimiliar with it.
-Relax tak gelabah ayam sangat sbb lecturer tak accelerate lagi.

Things I kinda hate about AS
-At the end of AS phase, lecturer dah mula ajar A2 syllabus sbb tak nak rush.Tapi3 bayangkan nak AS tapi tgh sibuk belajar A2.Mmg menguji minda sbb stress.A2 dh la susah nak mati. Ini semua sbb we are the accelerated program 1.5 years.

-I hate hate hate hate the Paper 1 and Paper 3 questions for the Science subjects(Phy,Chem,Bio).Sbb dia sgt lah tricky dan exam P3 tu anything could happen to you during the exam day. Mmg cemas jugak la.

Fuh, ni baru part AS belum A2 lagi, so I think I would settle here about the AS part.Untuk A2 aku cerita dkt Part 2 okay?

See you there in the Part 2!

Assalamualaikum =D


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